Robert and Audrey Bayer Paper Dress Collection

.Folder 06: Reports and Journal Articles.
Box Folder Item # Description Thumbnail
1 6 baye_01 Report: "Wastebasket Boutique" Tennessee Valley Authority Division of Forestry Development. Progress Report for Apr-June, 1967.  
    baye_02 Article: "Marketing: Wall Posters" Time, 1968.  
    baye_03 Article: "Developing the Market for Disposables" Paper & Twine Journal for Wholesalers of Industrial and Disposable Products" December 1968. Pages 9 & 10. Photos marked.  
    baye_04 Article: "The Exploding World of Disposable Apparel" The Bobbin Magazine Prize Paper Contest. April 1969. Article written by Robert T. Bayer.  
    baye_05 Article: "Basics of Nonwovens" Textile Industries, August 1969.  
    baye_06 Articles: "Disposables's a lively way to create sales" May 1970. Article by Ronald Bard, Vice President of Mars Disposables.  
    baye_07 Article: "ATI President Pioneered Paper Dress Marketing"  
    baye_08 Article: "There's Something Disposable about Mars" The World of Work Wear September 1973. Article and photos.