Title: Layman's Day
Series: Hopkins Chapel
Record Number: P77.
Acquisition Information:
Donor Number: 30; Acquisition Date: 10/77
Date: 10/04/1970
People: Left to right: Robert Harbison, Garland Cooper, Dr.
Benjamin E. Mays (guest speaker), Rev. David Armstrong (pastor), Mrs. Vivian C. Cooper,
Mr. John Chiles
Organizations: Hopkins Chapel A.M.E. Zion
Church, 321 College St, Asheville, NC
Remarks: Dr. Mays is president emeritus of Morehouse College,
author, and internationally-known lecturer. He is currently president of the Atlanta
Board of Education. (city schools, Atlanta, Ga.)
Subjects: Churches, AME Churches
Photographer: unknown
Studio: unknown
Marks: none
Medium: 8" x 10" positive print