Title: "Home Boys"
Series: Military
Record Number: P77.
Acquisition Information:
Donor Number: 30; Acquisition Date: 10/77
Date: after 1948 (graduating year of James Lester)
People: Left to right, first row: Clifford Edington, class of 1944;
Archie Mitchell, Archiebald Crump; Willie L. Williams, class of 1945; James Lester, class
of 1948. Second row: Barney Brown, class of 1945; Robert Harbison, class of 1945;
George Self; Rayford Adams, class of 1945; William Payton, class of 1945.
Organizations: Stephens-Lee High School
Remarks: Stephens-Lee boys in the service of their country.
Picture sent by William Payton --Class of 1945-- from camp in Virginia
Subjects: Korean War
Photographer: unknown
Studio: unknown
Marks: Home Boys
To our Principal, Mr. F. A. Toliver
Names and graduating class of each soldier written on the print in blue ink
Medium: 8" x 10" positive print