Ledger #
2 of Walter B. Gwyn |
pages 1 - 23 (incomplete digitization) |
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Ledger # 2 |
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[First part of page is missing]...him to verify it, and my resolution is that when I
asked him if all the things ere there, he replied that he thought they ere
pretty much. I doubt if he took the pains to carefully verify it,
especially as it was itemized by rooms and no doubt previous tenants had
misplaced the the things as he had done to a greater extent.
I intend to go again soon, and try to find all that I can and I mean
also to find out, if possible, who was his cook, etc.
As a whole, the furniture that is there is well preserved, and I
suppose, that, even allowing for actual losses, the increased rental you
obtain from the furniture makes up for damage.
If the house was unfurnished, there would be less probability of
getting strangers to take it, but on the other hand, more chance to rent
to a person[?] resident tenant, a[t] a decidedly reduced rate. I suppose
on the whole, that the better plan is to let it remain as it is, and I
will do my best to see that future tenant do make away with the things.
Mr. Rankin and some others went with me to the house and we found the
screw holes where he had had the [?] [handwritten above ?] door
spring, the causa belli, the eye-opener, screwed on so the
door between dining room and butler's pantry.
I found nine thousand eight hundred and seventy three empty beer and wine
bottles in the cellar, but I hesitate to charge them all to Boni [?], as
some of the other tenants must have left some. I forget how many were
there when you left the house. |
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E.Q. Botten Esq., Care Cleveland "Leader", Cleveland Ohio
Dear Sir:
I herewith inclose [sic] bill for reporting Pack-Bollins wedding on 16th
Inst., which I will thank you to refer to the proper officer.
I have never seen a copy of the paper, but your files will of course
show article Ad.
Yours Truly,
W.B. Gwyn
May 30, 1895
"The Leader" in acct. with W.B. Gwyn - 1895, May 16th. To reporting
Pack-Rollins wedding, .... Received payment, |
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- May 30, 1895
A. M. Moore M.D.
The Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, Pa.
Dear Sir;
Since writing you a smaller house in my charge has become vacant, and
is now for rent. It is Hartshorne house on Montford Avenue, one
block from car line- cars run every fifteen minutes.
It is a delightful house every way, and cannot fail to please. It
is furnished with standing furniture and quite a good deal of other
things, and the rent is only fifty dollars. It is the best built
houses I ever saw, nicely arranged. One small bed room down stairs
and three up stairs. Bath room, two water closets, range, furnace,
etc.-stylish parlor and dining room, and locality unexception [sic] able.
I forget whether or not your attention was called to it when you were
here, but you will find it all that I have recommended. Please write me if
you received my other letters, and when you now expect to come along.
There is excellent demand for houses now. Both of Mr. Woolsey's houses are
rented, but Mr Lee's is still to be had(?).
Yours Truly, WBGwyn
June 1, 1895
A.A.Laney Esq.,
Hazel, N.C.
Dear Sir:
Some one told me you called at my office to see me about the unsettled
balance of rent due for last year on the Pack lot No. 2 near Bingham
schools. I hope you will come again soon, as I am generally in my
office, and is hardly likely you will miss me again unless you call out of
business hours. I am in the office by 9:30 sure in the morning,
leave about 1:45 for dinner and get back about 3, remaining till about 7.
Yours truly
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May 30, 1895
Mr. A. B. Dick, (title unclear?)
151 (?) Lake St., Chicago, Ills (sic)
I wrote to Mr. Edison, referring him to
Mr. Geo. W. Pack, (?) prominent capitalist formerly resident of
Cleveland, Ohio, who used to know Mr. Edison in the early days of his
career. I am anxious to interest Mr. Edison in a new type-writer I have
invented, on new lines, and which I think will prove very salable at
first class prices, combining ribbon or pad with visible writing, and
avoiding the indirect stroke that both the Yost and Williams have.
Mr. Edison has kindly answered my
letter, saying that type-writers were out of his line, and referring me
to you.
[to be continued...]
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May 30, 1895 Geo. F. Pack, Esq.
Dear Mr. Pack,
I gave lots No. 9 in block I, numbers 1,2 & 6 in blk II to Coaton
[Canton?] for sale until four months, or rather until Oct. 1st., to be
exact. I also made him a map on a large scale, showing only the lots
placed in his hands.
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Capt. Wm. Miles Hazzard; May 31st, 1895 Annandale, S.C.
I herewith enclose contract with Mr. Phipps for the handling of the
Boilston Mining property, which you will kindly forward go to him after
reading it. I have not seen Rollins since I got the letter you wished me
to hand to him. The letter was signed G.M. Roberts, which fact you seem
to have overlooked.
I mailed the letter to him yesterday. I understand from Cal. Jones,
who [have] been trying to find him and get back the option to Sowers,
that Rollins is in Maddison Co.
I advised Jones to get the paper out of Rollin's hands., as I thought
I saw by Robert's letter that they were trying to squeeze a little,
though it is fair to Robert to state that he had not, at the time he
wrote you, learned that you were in favor of asking fifty instead of
thirty thousand dollars for the property. I have not heard a word from
Allison, though I wrote him a week ago tomorrow. I expect to hear from
or see him tomorrow.
Yours Truly
W.B.Gwyn |
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J.M Westall,
May 31, 1895
City.Enclosed please find specifications of repairs proposed to Pack
House, (formerly Richard Pearson's residence) West Side French Broad
I write a like letter to Messrs, J.A.Tennent and J.A. Wagner.
Yours Truly,
J.A.Tennent Baq.
May 31, 1895
Enclosed please find specifications of repairs proposed to Pack
House, (formerly Richard Pearson's residence, west side French Broad
I write a like letter to this to Mesaras. J.M. Westall and J.A.
Dear Friend;
I received your favor of a few days ago. First, in reference to the
Boilston matter; we placed the property in the hands of Henry P. Phippes,
who married Mr. Hazzard's daughter, for sale until the 30th day of
September next, at fifty thousand dollars cash, we... to pay him 5%...I
don't suppose anything will [?]. Regarding the sale of the little lot, I
enclose an advertisement which you can send to the "Citizen" here, no
later than Monday, so that they can print it on Wednesday as
It will be necessary for you to be present at the sale, and the matter
is worth at least that much to [?] a chance to see you.
You cannot buy the property, but [?] anybody here can bid it off for
him. The [?] can be made to him individually, or so to [?] the trustees,
and he can afterwards convey it as trustee. Of course I would be very
much pleased to see Jules again too.
You must come and stay with me. Perhaps you had better get J. to copy
off the notice, and have it all in type-your name should be very plainly
written or they might get it [?] instead of [?].
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There is also a large tract, about 425 acres lying partly
within corporate limits, with St. railway running through much of it,
and graded about two miles further, for sale now at a great bargain,
having been just taken in by mortgage. Much of it has been subdivided,
and street work was begun there in better times. The return of better
times for Asheville seems now at hand, as there is more building going
on, and contracted for than I have seen for three years all together.
The battery Park hotel is adding about 100 rooms, and a number of new
brick stores are going up. I don't know whether you have ever been to
Asheville or not, but if you have, you were probably struck with the
extent and quality of our brick and stone pavements, which are certainly
uncommon for a place of this size, and the effect is now becoming
evident in the largely increased patronage of the place.
These public improvements were undertaken and completed in the midst of
the hard times and there has not been sufficient ease in the country at
large for a large influx of population and visitors such as we hoped for
when we undertook the matter, but now, as it is apparent, the town is
getting a hump on itself.
If any of these properties interest you sufficiently to make further
inquiry, write me and I will give all information in my power.
Yours Truly,
W. B. Gwyn
June 1, 1895
C. H. Hartshorne Esq.,
the heat
New Jersey City
June 1, 1895
J-the heat did it! N.C.
Inclosed [sic] please find my check for thirteen dollars, which I
hope you may be lucky enough to get cashed in spite of of the number of
dollars called for by it. Today I paid for the repairs, painting and so
on, and I herewith send you voucher of Mr. Tennent for the amt.
The thermometer stood at 86 degrees in the shade here yesterday and
today (but I hope not "forever"). I sup-pose that after Spring had
at least succeeded in shoving Old Winter out of her lap she took a wild
run out into the sun and thus [?] habit of young frogs. No! I don't mean
young frogs, I mean young foks, fokes, or folks, in fact, just anything
this peculiar type-writer and the wether (there it is again, I mean-
weather, of course!) will let me say. It requires only a sharp, short
and decisive effort of memory on our part, you know, to recall that
tendency of last night- it was born and raised in Buncombe, and hangs on
well. Young folks. They had a kind of wine at the press banquet. |
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The Smith & Kilby Co. June 4, 1895
Anniston Ala.
Gentlemen,Your favor of the 22nd. April 1895 was duly received,
offering 1,400 tons of relaying 40 lb Steel rails at $21.75 per ton of
2240 lbs. delivered at Asheville. This is cheap, if the rails are all
right, and still for sale at that price. I wish you would |
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Mr. Henry P. Phipps June 6, 1895
Orange, N.J.
Dear Sir,
I send by today express about twenty five pounds
ore from Boilston mine for examination. Dr. Allison, who once owned a
large part of the property and has been setting as caretaker for the
company got the ore out, and says he can show just where it came from.
Hoping assays will be satisfactory and lend to further examination of
the mine, I remain Yours Truly,
W. B. Gwen
My Dear Friend June 6th, 1895
I have just received your favor and you are right,
so far as I know, in surmising that there is mullum perioulum in more.
It was my conviction in that theory that led me to defer writing about
it. As for the expense, I think it is three dollars for advertisement,
and about two dollar’s auctioneer’s fees, which latter you can save by
trying this sale yourself. Poor as I am, I engage to pay you two dollars
if you will yourself try the sale provided I am, be there to see and
I never knew very long beforehand when I would go to Hendersonville,
and, anyhow, I was on business for an opinionated and exacting alert,
and had to deal with shrewd attorneys on the other side, never staid
over-night, and had my hands and mind full al day, so that we could not
have had much satisfaction with each other.
All the day, I thank you for your indignation, and wish it was so often
in this frigid world. It would seem that some people destined to warmer
climate in the next world, would make as much as possible out of the low
temperature in this, and try to supplement atmospheric conditions with
inward blizzards.
Analogies never hold out when pressed to the “Ultima Thule”, so we must
assume that the snow that covers the spiritual wastes is anything but
white. I have heard of people seeing red snow at night, especially off
in the woods where there is no contradicting witness- but I never yet
heard of black snow.
It is well for poor humanity that King David set the example of throwing
himself upon the mercy of God rather than upon that of his fellow
sinners; else what could be the hope of hot headed end hot hearted
creatures that are cast out of places that are gladly recorded to chaste
and heartless icebergs:
What fools we all be: a thought, an impulse, forgotten in a day and a
comparative stranger a few hours afterwards to the very brain that that
bred it, is thus by me consigned to cold type, and sent away off to
Mills River to your critical eye. It might do for flippant comparative
stranger between us two, but to write it: It is folly. Throw it into the
fire, and write soon to Your Friend.
-W. B. Gwyn
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J. G. Gaden Enq.
June 7th, 1895
Vein Mountain, N.C.
Dear Sir,
Your favor is just to hand, and in
reply to your suggestion that the mine ought now to be in operation and
making money, I must say that it is impossible to run anything without
money or credit. It has been a very difficult matter even to raise money
to pay taxes, and the property was in imminent danger of being
sacrificed a few weeks ago. The county of Henderson had bought it at tax
sale a year before, and the deed would have been made to the Co. or,
more probably to a party who was watching his chance to get it, when a
number of us chipped in and saved the property. I was, as usual the
heaviest advancer, and the Co. now owes me something over ten dollars.
We assessed ourselves at the rate of 2 and ˝ cents per share- that is, a
number paid that, as that assessment on all the shares was necessary to
raise the amount of money required for the purpose would be 2 and ˝ cts
per share on 98 shares, say $1.45- Later, a number of us put in 50 ct
each for the purpose of sending ore to Mr. Phipps- A like contribution
from you would be right. I hope I may soon receive a P.O. money order
from you for these amounts.
Yours Truly,
W.B. Gwyn
J.M. Westall Esq.
June 7th, 1895
Dear Sir;
We waited for you some
time yesterday but you did not appear. Mr. Tennent was a few dollars
below Mr. Wagner, and I suppose the contract will be awarded to him.
I have notified Messrs. Tennent and Wagner verbally, and take this
manner of notifying you, that the bids for remodeling and repairing the
Davidson-Pack house on College Street will be opened at my office
tomorrow at 12’o’clock, all of you being present.
Yours Truly,
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June 7th, 1895 My Dear Mr. Pack:
I herewith inclose [sic] statement of account for May. If you have a
copy of the tax lst [sic] made out last year, kindly send it for
guidance in making out list for this year.
I think I gave you a copy, or kept one myself -- if the latter it has
been mislaid in moving.
Yours truly,
W.B. Gwyn |
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Mr. George W. Pack in a/c with W.B. Gwyn. 1895 9April,
May, June) |
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Mr. J.D. Grady
June 10, 1895
Dear Sir;
I inclose this to your father-in-law, Mr. G.G.
Hill, as I do not know your present address. I want to know at once the
lowest price for sale or rent of the house, that I must ask I have some
customers both for rent and for sale. I must try to place them
somewhere, or some one else will do it. One party wants to know as soon
as possible the lowest price and the best terms, for the purchase of the
house. He is going to see the house tomorrow. If you want to sell don’t
put your price too high, as it is very hard to sell property in
Asheville these days, as you know.
June 10th, 1895
G.G. Hill Esq.
Rutherford College, N.C.
Dear Sir;
I have two or three customers for small houses, and like to
know at once what is the least money I must take for the Grady house. I
must have a communication direct from Grady himself, which you will
please get him tow write me at once.
Also I would prefer when he writes, for him to set the lowest price for
rental in case I fail to sell this property to any of the parties
referred to. I want to strike while the iron is hot. It is harder to
sell after the house is rented, as sometimes tenants hinder the sale of
property by running it down to people who look at it, because they want
to remain in the house themselves.
The friend Grady left in the house at ten dollars a month, did him harm,
as the prices got out, and people are now saying that ten or 8 dollars a
month is too high for a house that was formerly rented furnished at ten
dollars. Let me hear from you at once and from Grady as soon as
possible. |
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June 15, 1895 Dear Mr. Pack;
You asked me yesterday what I thought about the probable rental that
might reasonably be expected from the Davidson house improved as
proposed. I have been thinking about it considerably and comparing it
with other houses -- the rental they have produced, etc..
The Edwards house, corner Chestnut and Charlotte, rented for several
years furnished at $1500.00 a year, and when Edwards sold to graham,
they divided the rent on a basis of $1200.00 for the house. Mr. Graham
tells me that he is offered now $1200.00 a year for his house
unfurnished, for boarding purposes. That house has only 12 bedrooms,
including some small ones Mr. Edwards had made for servants, which I
rather think are in the attic.
The Van Gilder house, having perhaps a few more rooms than y0ou would
have, and some of them quite large, rented for several years to Mrs.
Platt, furnished, (to what extent I know not), at $225.00 per mo..
I think the Maitland house, lately supplied with steam heating rents
I think for $1200.00.
I think the Davidson house improved as proposed should bring
considering the number of rooms, the situation and accessibility of the
lot, the large dining room and other appointments fitting it for table
boarders in dull times, $1500.00 a year unfurnished, or eighteen hundred
($1800.00) with say thousand dollars invested in hard furniture.
And your petitioner will ever pray.
Yours truly,
W.B. Gwynn |