George W. McCoy Collection   M1978.01.01
Books and pamphlets on segregation and integration
Box File Item # Date Description Thumbnail
2 5 gmc_046   Charleston, S.C. News and Courier ; collection of editorials published after September 24, 1957, the day troops were deployed in Little Rock , Ark.
gmc_047 1956 North vs. South And West ; address by Harry Mell Ayers ; Livingston State College, Alabama ; August 22, 1956 ;  [Cover has handwritten note to George McCoy including comment that the theme 'may be editorial material']
gmc_048 1958 Crisis in the South, the Little Rock story ; a selection of editorials from the Arkansas Gazette ; [The Gazette won a Pulitzer in 1958 for its reporting] (2 copies)
gmc_049 1956 History and experience or the Supreme Court?  by John Furman Thomason ; covers teaching in South Carolina public schools
gmc_050 1960 School desegregation: the first six years ; forms Vol, 15, No. 9 of New South
gmc_051 1959 Action patterns in school desegregation  by Herbert Wey and John Corey ; review copy [Book is described in gmc_052 and 053]
gmc_052 1959 News from Phi Delta Kappa ; describes Action patterns in school desegregation [gmc_051] as the "most extensive study yet made of desegregation patterns in the South" (Folded inside gmc_051)
gmc_053 1959
gmc_054 1958 Address by Judge Harold R. Medina presenting the Freedom Award to the Arkansas Gazette, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, October 14, 1958
gmc_055 1956 Interposition : editorials and editorial page presentations ; the Richmond News Leader 1955-1956 ; arguments in favor of the doctrine of interposition ; the right of states to interpose sovereign powers against the Federal Government
gmc_056 1959 A question of intent : the states, their schools and the 14th Amendment ; statement of David J. Mays before a Senate Committee, May 14, 1959
gmc_057 1956 Racial issues in national politics  by Helen B. Shaffer ; Editorial Research Reports ; Vol. 1 1956, No.15, Apr. 18
gmc_058 1960 Violence and non-violence in American race relations  by Helen B. Shaffer ; Editorial Research Reports ; Vol. 1 1960, No.12, Mar. 25
gmc_059   The political misuse of headlines and news captions : an example taken from 2 Detroit newspapers ; publication number 338 of the UAW-CIO Education Department
gmc_060 1958 Color, communism and common sense  by Manning Johnson ; describes 'how communists have used .....certain African-Americans'
gmc_061 1959 Religion and the schools  by Robert Gordis ; discusses the role of religion in public schools
gmc_062 August 1957 The Negro population of North Carolina 1945-1955 by John R. Larkins ; a study of the social and economic conditions among negroes
gmc_063 1958 The Virginian magazine ; Vol. IV - Nos. 1 & 2, January-February 1958 [McCoy's copy is opened at  page14,  "The fruits of integration - a special report on New York's schools" by William Stephenson]