George W. McCoy Collection
M1978.01.01 |
Publications of the Southern Regional Council, Atlanta, Georgia |
Box |
File |
Item # |
Date |
Description |
Thumbnail |
1 |
8 |
New South |
src_001 |
April 1955 |
A court rules on park segregation
; recreation and the 14th Amendment ; planning pays off in St. Louis
; "private" public schools |
src_002 |
June 1955 |
The court calls for local
leadership ; text of Supreme Court ruling ; The South's opportunity
; map of federal districts ; positive reaction grows ; the urban
south |
src_003 |
December 1956 |
A southern negro's view of the
South ; Henderson pastor's diary ; government of law |
src_004 |
January 1957 |
Pro-segregation groups; history
and trends ; law is to be obeyed ; bus integration spreads |
src_005 |
April 1957 |
Ministers' statement on race ;
Kentucky teacher integration ; Golden out-of-order plan ; the modern
Ku Klux Klan |
src_006 |
November 1958 |
Resistance growing to school
closings ; Virginia parochial schools ; what the negro wants ;
highlights from recent literature |
src_007 |
December 1958 |
Obedience to law ; meet, know and
listen ; root out bitterness ; give positive witness |
src_008 |
January 1959 |
North Carolina at crossroad ;
Alabama placement law ; negro voter registration ; highlights from
recent literature |
src_009 |
March 1959 |
Desegregation or no public
schools ; massive resistance reaches dead end ; court ruling hits
massive resistance ; Arkansas cannot afford racial strife ;
highlights of recent literature |
src_010 |
November 1959 |
Migration and desegregation ;
what each one of us does ; editors discuss private school plan ;
highlights from recent literature |
src_011 |
December 1959 |
The citizen's responsibility ;
actions must speak for South ; school boards must comply ; race
relations and American law |
src_012 |
April 1960 |
A solid South...or else ;
highlights from recent literature ; Floyd makes calm history |
Other publications |
src_013 |
April 1, 1960 |
The South and the Nation
by LeRoy Collins ; toward regional realism no. 1 ; an address given
by Gov. Collins of Florida to the Southern Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools in Louisville, Kentucky, Dec 1, 1959 |
src_014 |
1960 |
Racial crisis and the press
by Walter Spearman and Sylvan Meyer ; an analysis of Southern
newspaper reports since 1954 |