George Holcomb Prosser Collection
7 Look Out Pop


Well little John was rough on cats

And cruel to butter-flies
His mother swore she'd change his mind

         His traits she did despise.

He stomped a honey bee one day
And then to prove her word

She cut off all his honey sweets
But Johnnie wasn't stirred.

A butter-fly came floating past

He downed it with a blow
His mother cut off butter then

        For she was boss, you know.

He bottled up some lighting bugs
Then slep' in dark that night

And mother made a b'liever then
When she cut off his light.

His daddy, shaving in the bath,

With an admirer's help
Said "Mother's right, you must behave

        Or she will make you yelp."


A cock-roach crept along the wall

Dad settled it to stay
As Johnnie said "You look out, Pop

        Or  mother'll  make you pay,


George H. Prosser
July 1, 1941