INN - VOLUME III [Annotations by D.H. Ramsey] |
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James H. Loughran
Irish Saloon Keeper, brother of Frank Loughran. |
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Arthur M. Field and
Isabella Rose Field
Father and mother of Francis Field
Harmon A. Miller and Florence Griffith Miller
Father and mother of Mrs. Lyons Lee |
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Tench C. Coxe and Mrs.
Tench C. Coxe
Father and mother of Frank Billy Coxe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S.
Settle was [a] prominent Republican politician. He served in the U. S.
House of Representatives from the 5th district. He later moved
to Asheville. He was the son of Thomas Settle who ran for Governor on the
Republican ticket in 1876 against Zebulon Baird Vance.
Settle was a very brilliant but highly convivial personality.
Mrs. Coxe and Mrs. Settle were sisters. |
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Mrs. C. P. Ambler
Master Arthur Ambler
This was the first wife of Dr. Ambler.
Master Arthur Ambler was, of course, the present Dr. Arthur Ambler.
Remember T. Russell Sherrill –always
940 Sevilla Ave.
Coral Gables, FLA 33134 |
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S. [Sol] Gallert, Rutherfordton
Sol Gallert was a very prominent Democratic lawyer and politician. |
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Frederick W. Graham
Graham was, I believe, the owner and founder of the old Asheville Cotton
Mills which was later bought by the Cones of Greensboro. |
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Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Owen, Providence, R. I.
The father and mother of C. D. Owen, Jr. |
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Professor A. C. Reynolds
At that time Reynolds was connected with the old Rutherford College - a
Methodist College. Later he
served as President of the present Western Carolina College and as
Superintendent of the Buncombe County Schools.
The high school on the Fairview Road was named after him. |
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Miss Minna Bynum and Dr. Archibald Henderson
Miss Bynum was the sister of Curtis Bynum.
Later she and Dr. Henderson married. Dr. Henderson was professor of
Mathematics at the University of North Carolina |
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James C. Hardison
Prominent businessman. He
served on the first Great Smoky Mountains National Park Commission and a
peak in the Smokies was named after him. The Hardisons still own property
near Chimney Rock. |
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J. O. Bell
Bell later built and operated the cotton mill at Tuxedo. |
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Kathleen Doyle and Helen Doyle
One of these sisters married Thomas Wadley Raoul and the other one of
the Lorillards.
The daughter of Dr. S. Westray Battle. She married a British Army
officer, Mayor Hancock, and attracted much attention during the First World
War by her activities.
E. P.
He was the Manager of the Battery Park Hotel and a brother of Rion
McKissick, President of the University of South Carolina.
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W. E.
Rollins, Covington, Virginia
The son of Mayor W. W. Rollins and an Episcopalian clergyman.
John A. Roebling
John A. Roebling was of the Brooklyn Bridge building family. He had a
home in the Victoria section and was quite popular
[Annotation] Nemo Coleman says he also lived on Cumberland Ave.
He became highly incensed when Asheville voted in
prohibition and left the city.
Paul Roebling, a son, started the construction
of the old Building and died in the 1917-18 influenza epidemic. He was a
very likeable young man.
The Haynes were children of R. R. Haynes, prominent textile
manufacturer of Cliffs1de and Henrietta.
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Edith Randolph
Daughter of W. F. Randolph, the sister of Mrs. George Jackson of the
Asheville School and the second wife of Dr. Carl V. Reynolds.
Dr. Louise Ingersoll, A prominent Asheville woman physician
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Dr. Louise Merrimon - Later she married the rather [?] or the late
Lockwood Perry.
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Dr. L. B. Morse was the developer of Chimney Rock.
Mr. Fagg Malloy, 10 years old.
Fagg Malloy, an extremely loveable young man, [who] died overseas in the
First World War. His mother, Mrs. M. F. Malloy, was a most spirited and
attractive personality.
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Charles A. Mitchell was, I believe, one of the founders or the
Asheville School.
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Mrs. Conally Coxe was the divorced wife of Otis
M. Coxe and the grandmother of Mrs. Berlage. Later she married a brother of
Alan McDonald.
Mrs. V. S. Lusk
The wife of the Colonel V. S
Lusk, prominent Republican attorney and politician and the grandmother of
the late S. J. Pegram.
The Goulds
were undoubtedly of the ? ... |
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Elizabeth Bernard, a
teacher in the Asheville School System and a sister of S. G. Bernard and
Mrs. R. S. Jonas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
I believe these were the parents
of Lindsey M. Gudger. |
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Mr. and Mrs. Vance Brown
The parents of Fuller, Jordan, etc.
Dr. Greene later moved to Asheville and married
Miss Sarah Ingersoll who was either a sister or a cousin or Mrs. V. Brown. |
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Miss Rita Rees was of the Hans Rees Tannery family.
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Scott Radeker was the
father of Mrs. Logan Robertson.
Vincent Archer is now a professor in the Medical School of the
University of Virginia. His father was a Black Mountain physician.
J. R. Sandifer was a prominent educator. At one time he served as
headmaster of the Blue Ridge School.
Curtis Bynum
The Bynums were on their honeymoon. Cutis told me that he contracted
Typhoid Fever as the result of his stay at the inn, |
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Dr. F. L. Clemenger - Asheville physician and
the uncle of Holmes Sawyer.
Charles H. Honess - Asheville Optometrist
W. F. Stoner -Asheville merchant |
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