Silas Stepp to Eleanor Stepp
June 12 day .18.64
my dear wife i rite you aline this morning to let you
now i am well i hope this will come to hand and find
you all well and dooing well drew got to camps nite
before last i got your kind note you sent by him and
a habersack and 15 or 20 sweete cakes i was truly glad to
get them i wood of rote yesterday but i had to go on picket
i have Just got back to camps i have Just receive your
kind note of June it aint dated it was maild the 7 day
i was truly glad to getet and to here you had grain enough
to doo you i hope you will have enough to live on to not
suffer i have bin verry oneasy about you this last note
i got is a great satisfaction to mee i dont want you to bea oneasy
about mee i will doo the best ican wee fair perty well
now better then common i am glad to here the people
is hauling corn for the wimmon that is suffering above
all keap the wimmon and children from starven all
is quiet along our lines they are fiting in v a you
here more about them then wee doo i aint never got
now letter from ben yiet you sed J wanted the belt [his son Joseph]
i sent home hee may have et and hee may have the
Six little yellow buttons to go on a Jacket i have
Six more of another sort for billy i got them cence
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cence drew left any thing that is there you
want to use use et as you think best it is raining here
now it raind on us all nite on post wee go 4 miles to post wee
Stay aday and nite at atime our ridge ment pickets a
bout 15 miles long from nuce river to trent river
i will tel you alittle about the insects here when wee are
on post wee sit on our horses all nite and fites the nats and
musketers when we lay down on the ground to Sleep the
frogs is gumping over us when wee go through the brush
wee get full of ticks when wee go to eat wee cant
hardly keap the flys out of our mouth you never saw
the like of such things in your life i tel you my dear
you dont now how bad i want to see you there is
now talk about here of concriptten anny more
men i dont think that report is sow down to 16 [down to sixteen years of age]
truck looks perty well here grain is about ripe here i
have got apresent for you i got et after drew left here
i expect you want to now what it is i have got you
2 nice silver rings maid i wood like to fetch them
and see how they fit i wil have you and mary some more
maid iwill send them the first chance ihave i am afraid to send
them in a note you mite never get them if i get home i will
make your fingers shine with silver i wish i had you by the
hand now you dont now how i think about home and all of you
give me all the news i hope to here from you soon
SHS to ES houdy Sweet pink