Silas Stepp to Eleanor Stepp
May 17 day 18.64
my dear wife and children i rite you aline this morning
to let you now i receive your very kind letters of
the 10 and 12 of this inst they found mee well i
rote to you and ben i have rote 2 to ben i hope this
will find you all well and dooing well i am dooing
as well as could bea expected ihave now war news
to rite you i hope the i hope the range ment you rote
about can bea maid i want to come to the mountains
to summer there is adetail made our now to go home
to get horses drew burnet is coming with them to
get John and fetch him here they start in the morning
drew rile powers will allison J. C. davis and two others
Six in all they will be gone 25 days drew is on post
now if hee comes iwill send afiew litle things by
him you nead [not] send send mee any clothin ihave
got enough to doo mee this summer let me now
if you have got the cow from copelins and how
she done i sent alittle book in aletter to mary
rite if you got it i think i have got the most
of your letters you rote to mee some times it is too
weeks betwen then they come in close to gether
it is about all the Satisfaction i see to get letters to
[page 2]
read from home and to rite to you them and
my little old book is asatisfaction to mee ihope i
will get to see you before long i cant tel yiet
have all done you can with whay you rote about iwill
give any thing that i have here to get to come to the
mountains i have talk to cap folk about our na<mes?> [Capt. James S. Folk]
he says he will have it stopt rite of[f] if hee dont
i will giv what hee ort to have col folk is good [Col. George N. Folk]
to us capt is better to us then hee has bin the
row wee had coold him dont bea uneasy about mee
i will try to take care of my self the best i can
i sent you half quir of paper some envelop some indigo seed some
butons abelt and cap box with caps init 2 papers of catridg my
gloves and cap one bottle of pouder 2 pen pints 10 stamps
one hammer isent them in my dirty hbersack send it [haversack]
back by him if you pleas i aint time to fix up aney
thing hardly ihope to here from you soon i must
close S H Stepp to Eleanor Stepp