**Permission to reproduce the
following images must be obtained directly from the Grove Park Inn. |
Note in album :
The Inn was built and opened in eleven months and twenty five days from
the time the first stone was laid. There were as many as 400 men employed
at one time. |
GPI- I.D.# |
UNCA- I.D.# |
Description |
Photographer |
Notes /Date |
of Photo |
Thumbnail |
CL0:1_OC.001A |
gpi0001 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view. Distant view with
scaffolding |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC.001B |
gpi0002 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view. Close view with
scaffolding. October 24, 1912. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC.001C |
gpi0003 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view. Inside building with view
of scaffolding |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC.2 |
gpi0004b |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of site with mule wagons used to
haul stone and car-train of wagons used to haul boulders. [2 photos] |
John B. Robinson |
#20 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC.3 |
gpi0005 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of site with mule wagons used to
haul stone. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC4 |
gpi0006 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of site with mule wagons used to
haul stone and cars used to haul boulders. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC5 |
gpi0007 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of site with mule wagons used to
haul stone and wagons used to haul boulders. |
John B. Robinson |
#29 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC6 |
gpi0008 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of site with "truck-train"
used to haul boulders for construction of inn. Men seated on wagons. |
John B. Robinson |
#40 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC7 |
gpi0009 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "auto train" and
cars with workmen hauling stone. Seen from above. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC8 |
gpi0010 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of workmen's sheds on side
of mountain. [Same as gpi0042] |
John B. Robinson |
#51 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC9 |
gpi0011 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with mule wagons used to
haul stone |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC10 |
gpi0012 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of "auto train" and
cars with workmen hauling stone. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC11 |
gpi0013 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "auto train" and cars
with workmen hauling stone on newly excavated road. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_OC12 |
gpi0014 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "auto train" and cars
with workmen standing on boulders in cars. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_OC13 |
gpi005 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with scaffolding in place. |
John B. Robinson |
#50 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC14 |
gpi0016 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "auto train" and cars
with workmen hauling stone. |
John B. Robinson |
#54 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC15 |
gpi0017 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "auto train" and cars
with workmen hauling stone. Seen from above. [same as #7] |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC16 |
gpi0018 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "auto train" and cars
with workmen hauling stone [same as #14] |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC17 |
gpi0019 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view, close up of wall
construction with boulders in place. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC18 |
gpi0020 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of mules and workmen on new
excavation site. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC19 |
gpi0021 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of trucks in tandem hauling
wagons of boulders for Inn. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC20 |
gpi0022 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from distance with
scaffolding on central section. [see gpi0024] |
John B. Robinson |
1-3-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC21 |
gpi0023 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of truck-train with wagons
of boulders for construction. |
John B. Robinson |
1-11-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC22 |
gpi0024 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from distance with
scaffolding on central section. |
John B. Robinson |
1-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC23 |
gpi0025 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of wall construction with
machinery at center of photograph and workmen to right. |
John B. Robinson |
1-18-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC24 |
gpi0026 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of wall construction and
pouring of concrete into forms. [Second floor?] |
John B. Robinson |
1-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_0C25 |
gpi0027 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view with concrete forms and
partial walls under construction. |
John B. Robinson |
1-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC26 |
gpi0028 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with scaffolding in place
for walls and temporary ramp for construction. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC27 |
gpi0029 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with wagon and large pile
of logs and sign "Sunset Mountain". |
John B. Robinson |
1-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC28 |
gpi0030 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view close in of wagon hitch and
"Troy" equipment in back. |
John B. Robinson |
1-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC29 |
gpi0031 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of trench with plumbing
pipe under concrete floor. Three workmen. |
John B. Robinson |
1-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_0C30 |
gpi0032 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with one automobile to
right and three mule trains. |
John B. Robinson |
#23 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC31 |
gpi0033 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with mule trains, truck
trains, automobile and workmen on haul road. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC32 |
gpi0034 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior raking view of wagon train on
new road. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC33 |
gpi0035 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of new road construction
and men walking on road. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC34 |
gpi0036 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of roadway with car-train
and wagons full of boulders. Men standing on top of wagons.[Duplicate of
gpi0014.] |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC35 |
gpi0037 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of wall construction with
scaffolding and temporary ramp used for construction. [see gpi0028] |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC36 |
gpi0039 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of wall construction
and ramp used for construction. [Similar to gpi0038] |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC37B |
gpi0040b |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of wall construction
and ramp used for construction. [Similar to gpi0036a,b and labeled
CLO:1_OC37a in album] |
John B. Robinson |
#33 |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_OC38 |
gpi0041 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of wall construction
and ramp used for construction. [Similar to gpi0039, different exposure.] |
John B. Robinson |
#34 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC39 |
gpi0042 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of wall construction
and ramp used for construction. [Similar to gpi0039, different exposure.] |
John B. Robinson |
#35 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC40 |
gpi0043 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of workmen's sheds on side
of mountain. [Same as gpi0010] |
John B. Robinson |
#53 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC41 |
gpi0044 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of wall under construction
with scaffolding to either side. |
John B. Robinson |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC42 |
gpi0045 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with elaborate scaffolding
to haul rock for facade of structure. |
John B. Robinson |
1-3-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC43 |
gpi0046 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with pile of boulders,
workmen and completed wall to the far right. |
John B. Robinson |
1-3-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC44 |
gpi0047 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view beneath finished floor.
Trenbch with rebar, boards and five workmen. |
John B. Robinson |
1-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC45 |
gpi0048 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of large enclosed space
with walls and staked floor area. |
John B. Robinson |
1-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC46 |
gpi0049 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with boulders being laid
into place by workmen. note plumb line from scaffolding to workman's hand. |
John B. Robinson |
2-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC47 |
gpi0050 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of site excavation and mule
wagons and men at work on barren hillside. |
John B. Robinson |
2-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC48 |
gpi0051 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view close-in of workmen, mule
wagon and scaffolding against tall wall finished in boulders. |
John B. Robinson |
2-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC49 |
gpi0052 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction site from a
distance with scaffolding for Inn to upper right and open fields below. |
John B. Robinson |
2-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC50 |
gpi0053 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior raking view of completed wall
with boulders in place and man waling at center of image. |
John B. Robinson |
2-15-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC51 |
gpi0054 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of men building concrete
forms with rebar and man with a surveying instrument facing camera. |
John B. Robinson |
2-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC52 |
gpi0055 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of construction with large
scaffold and concrete buckets on wheels. Man with back to camera observing
work. |
John B. Robinson |
2-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC53 |
gpi0056 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of new road and two wagons
to the left on hill. |
John B. Robinson |
2-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC54 |
gpi0057 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of road construction with
smoke from burn [?] to right. |
John B. Robinson |
2-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC55 |
gpi0058 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of early steam-shovel
loading dirt into mule wagon fro construction of road or building site.
Wagon and workman in near view. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC56 |
gpi0059 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of the beginning of
curved roof construction showing wooden supports and workmen. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC57 |
gpi0060 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from a distance of the roof
construction and boardwalk leading to upper wall construction. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC58 |
gpi0061 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of wooden framing for
roof construction. |
John B. Robinson |
2-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC59 |
gpi0062 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view pf wooden framing for
roof construction with workmen on top of roof-line. Framing for chimney
[?]. |
John B. Robinson |
2-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC60 |
gpi0063 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view showing concrete pillars
and concrete floor with wood stacked to far right. |
John B. Robinson |
2-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC61 |
gpi0064 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view showing large blocks
with mortar and door and two windows. |
John B. Robinson |
2-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC62 |
gpi0065 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view showing large blocks
with mortar and door and one window. |
John B. Robinson |
2-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC63 |
gpi0066 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view of door, door-facings
and block construction in unfinished state. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC64 |
gpi0067 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of third floor under
construction. Framing and wooden saw-horse in foreground. |
John B. Robinson |
#130 - 3rd Floor
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC65 |
gpi0068 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of third floor under
construction. Framing of rooms and door-ways. |
John B. Robinson |
#131- 3rd Floor
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC66 |
gpi0069 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of upper-floor construction
with workmen standing near roof-line of one section and with view toward
mountains. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC67 |
gpi0070 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of upper-floor construction
with men working on floor area. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC68 |
gpi0071 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of ramp leading
to construction of upper floor. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC69 |
gpi0072 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of wall with boulders and
addition under construction to left. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC70 |
gpi0073 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn facade from distance
with scaffolding on center section. |
John B. Robinson |
2-22-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC71 |
gpi0074 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view of framing for rooms
on 3rd Floor. |
John B. Robinson |
2-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC72 |
gpi0075 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view of framing for rooms
on 3rd Floor with detailed framing. |
John B. Robinson |
1-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC73 |
gpi0076 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with wall and dormers
partially finished. Workers are below. |
John B. Robinson |
1-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC74 |
gpi0077 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of framing and large tile
blocks in place. |
John B. Robinson |
1-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC75 |
gpi0078 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of corner of walls at east
end of building. |
John B. Robinson |
1-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC76 |
gpi0079 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of roof area showing
rebar and looking down toward mule. |
John B. Robinson |
1-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC77 |
gpi0080 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of roof area with
dormer under construction [?] and workers. |
John B. Robinson |
1-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC78 |
gpi0081 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view of wooden forms for
interior columns. |
John B. Robinson |
1-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC79 |
gpi0082 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn from distance
showing completed sections and central scaffolding where construction
continues. March, 1913. |
John B. Robinson |
3-11-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC80 |
gpi0083 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view with smooth rock finish and
detailing. Large unidentified metal containers below walls. |
John B. Robinson |
3-11-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC81 |
gpi0084 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view of tiles used to
finish interior room and lumber piled on floor. Worker standing against
tiles. |
John B. Robinson |
3-11-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC82 |
gpi0085 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of large room with columns
and piles of discarded concrete forms. Tiles piled to left. Worker
standing to right. |
John B. Robinson |
3-11-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC83 |
gpi0086 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view of construction of
the great room with large columns and discarded form lumber in foregraound. |
John B. Robinson |
3-11-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC84 |
gpi0087 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of the great room with
large columns and discarded form lumber and tiles piled in foreground. |
John B. Robinson |
3-11-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC85 |
gpi0088 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view of concrete columns
in large room with discarded form lumber and stacked tiles in background. |
John B. Robinson |
3-11-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC86 |
gpi0089 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view across smooth finish of the
roof-line before tiles are set. Landscape seen in the background. |
John B. Robinson |
3-21-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC87 |
gpi0090 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from distance of full
building and construction scaffolding on center section and on section to
far left. |
John B. Robinson |
3-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC88 |
gpi0091 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of right, rear section of
Inn with stacked lumber or form [?]. and two workers on ramp and others on
roof of structure. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
3-21-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC89 |
gpi0092 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of east side of structure,
rear with molded roof line not yet tiled and piles of interior tiles in
foreground. Man in overcoat and hat to far right. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
3-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC90 |
gpi0093 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from distance of full
building with some scaffolding on front central section and rolling grounds
in front of structure. Sign in near- ground says "Out of Bounds". |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
3-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC91 |
gpi0094 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view with columns and some tiles
in place. Ramps lead to work areas. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
3-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC92 |
gpi0095 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of large room filled with
supplies for construction, including windows and glass doors. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
3-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC93 |
gpi0096 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of large room filled with
supplies for construction, including windows and glass doors, rebar, and
tiles stacked to left.. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
3-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC94 |
gpi0097 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of excavation of new
roadway. In distance is work shed and steam shovel at work. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
4-8-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC95 |
gpi0098 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of contoured roof
prepared with cement over wood forms. Mountains in distance. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
4-8-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC96 |
gpi0099 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of roof area. Close view
with workers standing on the roofline who are applying concrete over rebar
and wood forms. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
4-8-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC97 |
gpi0100 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of contoured roof with
workers laying rebar and preparing for tiles. Note safety lines for
workers. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
4-8-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC98 |
gpi0101 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of east side of Inn
roof-joins with insulating tile between concrete members and wooden
supports. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
4-8-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC99 |
gpi0102 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view showing the roof-join
with supports looking toward a window. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
4-8-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC100 |
gpi0103 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior close view of west side showing
the roof-joins and tile-work. Scaffolding through doorway. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
4-8-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC101 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view view of the central atrium
with glass ceiling installed above. Scaffolding in foreground. Buckets for
plastering over tile at right of image. |
John B. Robinson
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC102 |
gpi105a |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of back-side of Kitchen
area with mule, rolls of roof material, worker and debris. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
5-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC102-1 |
gpi0105b |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of back-side of Kitchen
area with mule, rolls of roof material, worker and debris.
[duplicate] |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
5-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC103 |
gpi0106 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of kitchen wing of Inn.
Rock wall in progress and scaffolding in place for wall of kitchen
area. |
John B. Robinson |
5-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC104 |
gpi0107b |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction equipment
including two wheel cart, in foreground and steam-shovel in background.
Men working on embankment above shovel. [two images |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_OC105 |
gpi0108 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of roadway [?] under
construction with "steam"-roller used to level the surface of area. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC106 |
gpi0109 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from distance of nearly
completed front facade of five sections of the Inn. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC107 |
gpi0110 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of road [?] construction
with man walking to far right and "steam"-shovel leveling road in
background. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-5-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC108 |
gpi0111 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of one wing of Inn with
steam shovel next to wall, and four men standing on scaffolding in front of
shovel. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
handwritten note: P77 E75 1332 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC109 |
gpi0112b |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of steam-shovel at work
near inn wall and mule carts to the far left. [Two photographs] |
John B. Robinson |
5-2-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_OC110 |
gpi0113 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of steam-shovel on hill
with workers, one on ladder going up tree and |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-2-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC111 |
gpi0114b |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of steam-shovel with
workers on shovel and beside it. Ladder against tree to far left. [two
images] |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-2-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_OC112 |
gpi0115 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of steam-shovel seem from
above with three workers standing to side of machine. Lumber debris and
scaffolding to right and left. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-2-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC113 |
gpi0116 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction of Porch
for Section "A" showing rockwork and framing. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-5-13 Porch Sec. A |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC114 |
gpi0117 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of hillside showing
relation of building to natural contour of land before removal. Four carts
up-ended and work-shed on hill above site. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC115 |
gpi0118 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of steam-shovel at work
removing natural slope around Inn after rock-work is in place. [Note:
Natural contour of hill made access for construction on upper floors
easier.] |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC116 |
gpi0119 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view close in of roof
construction. showing tile being laid in courses on contoured roof. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC117 |
gpi0120 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of contoured roof and
dormer without tile and Inn under construction in background. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-16-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC118 |
gpi0121 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn with construction of
Porch for Section "A" with row of dormers and roof above the porch. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-16-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC119 |
gpi0122 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of the construction of the
Porch for Section "A" with curved roof well under-way. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-16-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC120 |
gpi0123 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of walls of the Inn seen
from below with wagon to right and two workmen. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-21-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC121 |
gpi0124 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn from distance with
porch under construction to far right and open field in front of Inn. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-21-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC122 |
gpi0125 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn from distance with
porch under construction to far right and open field in front of Inn. [Same
as gpi024 but closer view.] |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-21-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC123 |
gpi0126 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of one section of Inn with
four floors and dormers above at roof level under construction. Man in
suit with rolled plans [?] under arm. Fred L. Seely [?] |
John B. Robinson |
n.d |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC124 |
gpi0127 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn from a distance
showing construction of Porch for Section "A", central section and distant
sections. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-21-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC125 |
gpi0128 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of central section of Inn
with full crew of workers in front of the wall. Dormers with scaffolding
on roof above men. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC126 |
gpi0128 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from distance of
construction work on "Sunset Hall," servant's quarters near Inn [?] Stucco with brick
trim. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-29-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC127 |
gpi0130 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction of
"Sunset Hall," servant's quarters near the Inn. Stacked building material |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-29-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC128 |
gpi0131 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view close-in of plumbing in the
Eastside of the Inn. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
Handwritten note: 19. East Side |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC129 |
gpi0132 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of room with fourn workmen.
One workman carries empty plaster [?] bags. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-29-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC130 |
gpi0133 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of boilers for inn [?] in
place. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-29-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC131 |
gpi0134 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of double course of
pipes laid in open trench. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-29-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC132 |
gpi0135 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of mule wagon and workers
and man on horseback. Note below image in album reads: "To get the proper
setting for the Inn, they blasted away a hill about 40 fee high. Building
material was unloaded from the ground into the third story before the hill
was completely removed. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
5-29-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC133 |
gpi0136 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view close-in of the roof of
porch for Section "A" with rebar in place. |
John B. Robinson |
6-4-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC134 |
gpi0137 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction of
"Sunset Hall," servant's quarters near the Inn. first floor of structure in place. |
John B. Robinson |
6-4-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC135 |
gpi0138 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of excavated area below the
porch of Section "A". |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-16-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC136 |
gpi0139 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "Sunset Hall," servant's
quarters building near
Inn with second floor added and trenching in front of construction. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-16-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC137 |
gpi0140 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "Sunset Hall," servant's
quarters building near
Inn with construction of second story just beginning. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-16-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC138 |
gpi0141b |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of front facade of Inn from
a distance with some scaffolding in place. Section "C" has porch under
cunstruction. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_OC139 |
gpi0142 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-26-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC140 |
gpi0143 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior raking distant view of Inn from
open field below. Kitchen area covered by trees to far left. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC141 |
gpi0144 |
Grove Park Inn -
Exterior view of construction debris in foreground and three up-ended
carts near woods in background. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC142 |
gpi0145 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "Sunset Hall," servant's
quarters with
two floors in place and construction material in foreground. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC143 |
gpi0146 |
Grove Park Inn -Exterior close-view of porch for Section
"B", center section of building under construction. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC144 |
gpi0147 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction of porch
for Section "C" [?] with construction material in foreground. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC145 |
gpi0148 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of bottom floor of Section
"B" looking toward stairwell. Shows interior finishing details. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC146 |
gpi0149 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "Sunset Hall," servant's
constructed of block and brick near Inn. Two stories are in place. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC147 |
gpi0150 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of hillside being removed
by steam-shovel. Construction debris in foreground and three figures
standing to far right. Man in suit Fred L. Seely [?] |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-25-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC148 |
gpi0151 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view close-up of tunnel
excavation in unknown location. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
6-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC149 |
gpi0152 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view close-up of tunnel
excavation in unknown location. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC150 |
gpi0153 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of steam-shovel from the
rear, excavating hillside with work-shed on hill above. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC151 |
gpi0154b |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of lower floor of Section
"B" looking toward stairwell showing stone finishing work around doors and
use of large boulders in interior construction. [Two photographs] |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
6-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_OC152 |
gpi0155 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of water tank and
stone-work at base near the Inn [?]. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC153 |
gpi0156 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from above of water tank
[?]. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
6-28-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC154 |
gpi0157 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "Ann Hathaway Cottage"
near the Inn under construction. |
John B. Robinson
[signed] |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC155 |
gpi0158 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "Sunset Hall," servant's
quarters, from
the front. Roof is complete, but finishing details not completed. Worker
to left of image. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
7-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC156 |
gpi0159 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of "Sunset Hall," servant's
quarters from
side with large tree to the right and workers to far right. |
John B. Robinson [signed] |
7-10-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC157 |
gpi0160b |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of
pedestal sink plumbing fixture, installed in bathroom in Inn. [Two
photographss] |
John B. Robinson [ |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC158 |
gpi0161b |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of bathroom under
construction in Inn. View of sink, tub and toilet in bathroom. [Two
photographs.] |
John B. Robinson [ |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_OC159 |
gpi162 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior items. Hardware for doors in the
Inn. [Two photographs.] |
John B. Robinson. |
n.d. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_AC1 |
gpi0163 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of hollow tile used for
construction. Stacked in unknown location. |
John B. Robinson. |
June 27, 1914 written on back of image. |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_AC2 |
gpi0164 |
Grove Park Inn - Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of M Shop
[Machine shop ?] on the Inn grounds. Under construction with lumber piled
to side of building. |
John B. Robinson. [signed] |
A 53
M shop
6-3-13 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_AC3 |
gpi0165 |
Grove Park Inn -Exterior raking view of M Shop [Machine
shop ?] on the Inn grounds. Under construction and mule cart to far left
distance. |
John B. Robinson. [signed] |
A 54 M Shop
6-3-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC4 |
gpi0166 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction site
for new Stables. 1916 |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 [?] |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC5 |
gpi0167 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Stables
construction site. 1916 |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 [?] |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC6 |
gpi0168 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Stables
construction site from a distance.. 1916 |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC7 |
gpi0169 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction site
for new Stables with worker with back to camera looking at building
interior. 1916 |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC8 |
gpi0170 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction site
for new Stables with workers standing in interior of unfinished first
story. 1916 |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC9 |
gpi0171 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of new road curving around
mountain with workers in road in distance. |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC10 |
gpi0172 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of new road near Inn.
Bridge under construction [?] |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC11 |
gpi0173 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of roadway under
construction. |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |

CL0:1_AC12 |
gpi0174 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of bridge under
construction near the Inn. |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC13 |
gpi0175 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of construction of
roadway near Inn. |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC14 |
gpi0176 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of roadway leading to
"Sunset Hall," servant's quarters building near the Inn. |
John B. Robinson. |
6-22-16 |
5.25" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_AC15 |
gpi0177 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of M Shop [Machine Shop]
near Inn under construction. Scaffolding in place. |
John B. Robinson. [signed] |
A 56
7-29-16 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_AC16 |
gpi0178 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior close view of facade with
roof-tiles and windows in place. Scaffolding and stone work is continuing
on lower level |
John B. Robinson. [signed] |
A 57
7-29-16 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_AC17 |
gpi0179 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Stables seen from a
distance. Building materials piled to right, center. |
John B. Robinson. [signed] |
A 58
7-29-16 |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_AC18 |
gpi0180 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Stables construction [?]
showing block wall construction. Building materials piled to right,
center. |
John B. Robinson. [signed] |
A 59
7-29-16 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_AC19 |
gpi0181 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of brick Tile on Plaza,
June 29, 1916. Truck and auto to far left, mule and car, man with
wheel-barrow to far right. |
John B. Robinson. [signed] |
A 60
July 29, 1916 |
6.5" x 4.5" |

CL0:1_AC20 |
gpi0182 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Stables near completion,
August 25, 1916. |
# 62
8-25-16 |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_E1 |
gpi0183 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of the Inn with flags
flying and automobiles parked in front of main entrance to the Inn. |
Bill Sanders, Photographer
Citizen-Times, Asheville, N.C. |
Notetyped on back: "This is the property of the Grove Park
Inn, 290 Macon Avenue, Asheville, NC 28804"
#45 1970's [?] |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_E2 |
gpi0184 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of the Main Entrance
with guests seated in chairs. Man carrying suitcase to the left. |
unknown |
Number written on back of photo: B8217600 |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_E2B |
gpi0185 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of the front facace of the
Inn with curving walkway leading to porch of the "A" Section with entry to
Inn to the right. |
unknown |
Note: typed on back of image "Given by: Mrs. Gertrude
Brewster, April, 1979." |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_E2C |
gpi0186 |
Grove Park Inn -
Exterior view of the Inn showing the back of the inn from below with
dogwood in bloom. Note: typed at bottom of image "Back of Grove Park Inn.
Given by: Mrs. Gertrude Brewster, April, 1979. |
unknown |
Note: typed at bottom of image "Back of Grove Park Inn.
Given by: Mrs. Gertrude Brewster, April, 1979. |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_E3 |
gpi0187 |
April, 1979. Postcard of Inn showing the entry to the
hotel with automobiles parked in front. "Finest Resort Hotel in the World,
Asheville, N.C. |
Written on back: "1924" |
5.25" x 3.75" |
CL0:1_E4 |
gpi0188 |
Grove Park Inn - April, 1979. Postcard of Inn showing the
porch area with wicker rockers in a row."Grove Park Inn, Asheville, N.C."
Signed "Ray". [Sepia toned.] |
Ray [?] |
n.d. |
5.25" x 3.75" |
CL0:1_E5 |
gpi0189 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of inn seen from below and
raking view of Section "A" and "B" |
unknown |
n.d. |
3" x 5" |
CL0:1_E6 |
gpi0190 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn seen from below with
tennis court in foreground. |
unknown |
n.d. |
3" x 5" |
CL0:1_E7 |
gpi0191 |
Grove Park Inn -
Van Dyke Cottage [Ann Hathaway Cottage], 1939 |
unknown |
Note on back: "This is the property of the Southern Highlands Research
Center and the Grove Park Inn and Country Club, Asheville, NC." |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_E8 |
gpi0192 |
Biltmore Industries - " Asheville, North Carolina.
The Industry is famous for hand woven wollens - Biltmore Homespun. |
Lou Harshaw for the Asheville Chamber of Commerce |
Note on reverse: Photo courtesy Asheville Chamber of
Commerce by Lou Harshaw. |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_G1 |
gpi0193 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of the Inn taken in the
1920's. Seen from a distance across the golf-course. Image "Given
by: Mrs. Gertrude Brewster." [Torn right-hand corner digitally
repaired.] |
unknown |
"Given by: Mrs. Gertrude Brewster." 4-'79 |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_G2 |
gpi0194 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of the tennis courts below
the Inn. Southern Tennis Tournament. Week of July 21, [1919?] |
unknown |
[1919?] |
3" x 2.25" |
CL0:1_G3 |
gpi0195 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view from a distance of the
Asheville Country Club. [1919?] |
unknown |
[1919?] |
3" x 2.25" |
CL0:1_G4 |
gpi0196 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of grass land near the Inn. |
unknown |
n.d. |
3" x 2.25" |
CL0:1_G5 |
gpi0197 |
Grove Park Inn - View from the Inn. |
unknown |
n.d. |
3" x 2.25" |
CL0:1_I1 |
gpi0198 |
Grove Park Inn - Postcard of the "Fireplace in Big Room,
Grove Park Inn, Asheville, N.C. |
unknown |
n.d. |
5" x 3" |
CL0:1_I2 |
gpi0199 |
Grove Park Inn - Postcard of the interior of the Inn,
1950's [?]. On back: "Grove Park Inn, one of the most notable and unique
resorts of this country, is operated the year 'round and is noted for its
atmosphere of rest, comfort, and wholesomeness. It is absolutely fireproof
-- built of the great boulders of Sunset Mountain, at the foot of which it
sits. A thousand acres of woods and mountain adjoin the hotel, and its
front lawn is the hundred and twenty-acre 18 hole golf links of the
Asheville Country Club. |
"Whitman's Phototypes", Canton, Pa. |
5" x 3" |

CL0:1_I3 |
gpi0200 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of pool in lower area of
Inn, with steps leading into the pool. |
W.T. Linsday of Curt Teich & Co., Chicago |
Note on back: "This photograph is property of Brown Book
Company. Made by W.T. Linsday, of Curt Teich & Co., Chicago. #21 |
8.5" x 6.25" |
CL0:1_P6 |
gpi0201 |
Grove Park Inn - Guest on footbridge. Date unknown |
unknown |
Note: June 1, 1917 photo provided by Jane Fufus Ogilive[?] |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P7 |
gpi0202 |
Grove Park Inn - Guest seated on grass |
unknown |
Note: June 1, 1917 photo provided by Jane Fufus Ogilive[?] |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P8 |
gpi0203 |
Grove Park Inn - Two guests (women) standing in front of
small bridge. |
unknown |
Note: June 1,1917 photo provided by Jane Fufus Ogilive[?] |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P9 |
gpi0204 |
Grove Park Inn - Two guests (women) standing on roadway
with Inn in background. |
unknown |
Note: June 1, 1917 photo provided by Jane Fufus Ogilive[?] |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P10 |
gpi0205 |
Grove Park Inn - Two guests (women) seated on bridge near
the Inn. |
unknown |
Note: June 1, 1917 photo provided by Jane Fufus Ogilive[?] |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P11 |
gpi0206 |
Grove Park Inn - Guest (woman)standing in front of
rockwork at bridge near the Inn. |
Note: June 1, 1917 photo provided by Jane Fufus Ogilive[?] |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P12 |
gpi0207 |
Grove Park Inn - Guest (man) seated on footbridge. Close
view. |
Note: June 1, 1917 photo provided by Jane Fufus Ogilive[?] |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P13 |
gpi0208 |
Grove Park Inn - Guests (man and woman), Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, seated on the porch of the Inn. |
John B. Robinson |
Note in album: 1913 "Photos are of Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, Parents of Chester Munroe and Mrs.Munroe's inlaws."
Pictures donated by Mrs. Doris Munroe. |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P14 |
gpi0209 |
Grove Park Inn - Guests (two men) seated on the porch of
the Inn. |
John B. Robinson |
Note in album: 1913 "Photos are of Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, Parents of Chester Munroe and Mrs.Munroe's inlaws."
Pictures donated by Mrs. Doris Munroe. |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P15 |
gpi0210 |
Grove Park Inn - Guests (man and woman), Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, hugging on the porch of the Inn. |
John B. Robinson |
Note in album: 1913 "Photos are of Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, Parents of Chester Munroe and Mrs.Munroe's inlaws."
Pictures donated by Mrs. Doris Munroe. |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P16 |
gpi0211 |
Grove Park Inn - Guests (man and woman), Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, seated on the paved area of the inn in wicker
chairs. |
John B. Robinson |
Note in album: 1913 "Photos are of Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, Parents of Chester Munroe and Mrs.Munroe's inlaws."
Pictures donated by Mrs. Doris Munroe. |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_P17 |
gpi0212 |
Grove Park Inn - Guests (man and woman), Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, seated on the paved area of the inn in wicker
chairs. |
Note in album: 1913 "Photos are of Mr. and Mrs.
Addison Pierce Munroe, Parents of Chester Munroe and Mrs.Munroe's
in-laws." Pictures donated by Mrs. Doris Munroe. |
5.5" x 3.5" |
CL0:1_PR1 |
gpi0213 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn entrance with
1920's cars in front. |
John B.. Robinson [signed] |
"Grove Park Inn, Asheville, N.C.
On back: "Pictures donated by Grace Mills Hodgens" |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_PR2 |
gpi0214 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior distant view of Inn seen from
the golf course. |
John B.. Robinson [signed] |
On back: "Pictures donated by Grace Mills Hodgens" |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_PR3 |
gpi0215b |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of Big Room, oblique view
of fireplace with guests and wicker chairs. [two photographs] |
John B.. Robinson |
#M 136 T
On back: "Pictures donated by Grace Mills Hodgens" |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_PR4 |
gpi0216 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of Big Room with fireplace
burning and guests seated and standing in front of fireplace. |
John B.. Robinson [signed] |
On back: "Pictures donated by Grace Mills Hodgens" |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_PR5 |
gpi0217 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior distant view of Inn with guests
playing golf. |
John B.. Robinson [signed] |
"Grove Park Inn, Asheville, N.C.
On back: "Pictures donated by Grace Mills Hodgens" |
6.5" x 4.5" |
CL0:1_PR6 |
gpi0218 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of Dining Room of Inn. Used
for promotional purposes. [same as gpi0219] |
Herbert W. Pelton |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_PR7 |
gpi0219 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of Dining Room of Inn. Used
for promotional purposes.[same as gpi0218] |
Herbert W. Pelton |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_PR8 |
gpi0220 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of walkways and paths next
to a stream, near
the Inn. |
Herbert W. Pelton |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_PR9 |
gpi0221 |
Grove Park Inn - Exterior view of Inn entrance with
automobiles parked at front of entrance. |
Herbert W. Pelton |
On front of photograph: "H.W. Pelton, 1913, Asheville,
N.C.. Grove Park Inn, Asheville, N.C. |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_PR10 |
gpi0222 |
Grove Park Inn - Interior view of Big Room with no people.
Wicker chairs fill room. |
Herbert W. Pelton [?] |
n.d. Probably year Inn opened, 1913. |
10" x 8" |
CL0:1_PR11 |
gpi0223c |
Grove Park Inn - Van Dyke Cottage [Ann Hathaway Cottage]
3 photographs |
Herbert Pelton |
#774 L |

CL0:1_PR12 |
gpi0224 |
Grove Park Inn - Promotional material. Organ Recital.
Wednesday Evening, July 16, 1919, 8:45 o'clock. Mr. Gordon Graham,
Organist. |
Promotional literature |

CL0:1_PR13 |
gpi0225 |
Grove Park Inn - Dinner Menu. Tuesday, July 22, 1919. |
Promotional literature |