Our Mountain Work
(In Asheville Presbytery) |
Random issues from the newsletter produced by the
Synod of Appalachia that include issues from the years 1919 to 1935. |
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Vol./Issue |
Item# |
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Vol.VIII No. 10 1919 |
our0001 |
--"Only A Boy"
--"Program of West Asheville Presbyterian Church"
-- Some Helpful Messages With Gifts" ..."Mr. F.L. Seely of the Grove Park
Inn has contributed several bolts of woolen cloth for the benefit of the
Mountain Orphanage. We are greatly indebted to him for this splendid gift.
Already it is being made into garments for the children. The work is being
done by several Women's Missionary Societies, whose hands are ever willing
for service."...
--"Notes and Comments"
--"Showing Our Love For Balfour"
--"Orphanage Shoe Fund"
--"A Creed [poem}"
--"Synodical Notes"
--"Rally Day"
--"Treasurer's Report"
--"Thanksgiving" |
Vol.IX No.1 [?] 1920 |
our0002 |
--"Pastor's Conference at Charlotte Soon"
--"Letter From Korea"
--"Church to Seek Hundred Thousand Tithers"
--"Reception for New Pastor [Rev. Marion Huske]"
--"Notes and Comments"
--"Christian Workers to be Recruited in Drive"
--"Christmas at Ora St. Church"
--"A Suggestion to Sunday Schools"
--"Attention! Missionary Societies"
--"Some Earnest Workers"
--"An Urgent Appeal"
--"A Minister's XMas Dream"
--"Treasurer's Report for January"
--"The Bible Good Reading" |
Vol.IX No.1 [?] 1920 |
our0003 |
--"One Hundred Miles From Church"
--"Always 'Just going To'"
--"Croaking Christians"
--Equipment and Salaries"
--"A Tithing Family"
--"Notes and Comments"
--"A 'Live Wire' Class"
--"Fifteenth Session of the Asheville Presbyterial Auxiliary"
--"On the Honor Roll"
--"Given to Hospitality"
--"Treasurer's Report for February"
--"Joy of Learning to Write"
--"A Blessing Box"
--"'Thank You'"
--"The Four-Fold Life" |
Vol.IX No.46 1924 |
our0004 |
--"Christmas at the Mountain Orphanage"
--"Notes and Comments"
--"Is Your Train Moving?"
--Letter from Annie I. Gray, Kusan, Korea, November 6, 1923.
--"How the Murphy Presbyterians Spent Christmas"
--"Treasurer's Report for December"
--"Sentence Prayers"
--"Let Her Slide [poem]" |
Vol.I No.1 1925 |
our0005b |
--"Notes From Mountain Orphanage"
--"Notes and Comments"
--"The Orphanage Debt"
--"A Word of Explanation"
--"A Good Example"
--"The Dillingham Field"
--"Report to Presbytery"
--"New Items from Hazelwood"
--"Weaverville News"
--"Men of the Presbytery"
--"Meeting of Asheville Presbytery"[Detail of first page] |

Vol.I No.3 1926 |
our0006 |
--"Notes from Mountain Orphanage"
--"Resignation of Rev. J.O. Wallace"
--"A Real Sacrifice"
--"Notes and Comments"
--"Items from West Asheville Church"
--"Report of Rev. F. Rauschenberg, Supt. For December, to Home Missions
--"The Murphy Church"
--"'Ivy Park' Presbyterian Church"
--"Treasurer's Report for December"
--"Maxwell School Notes"
--"A Modern Church" |
Vol.III No.2 1927 |
our0007 |
--"Anniversary Montreat Church"
--"Echoes From 35th Anniversary of Dr. Campbell's Pastorate"
--"Group Conference, District 1"
--[Notes and Comments]
--"Mountain Orphanage Notes"
--"A Challenge of the Maxwell School"
--"Group Conference District No 3.
--"Group Conference District No. 6"
--From Mayor [Gallatin] Roberts"
--"Treasurer's Report for November" |
Vol.X No.6 1927 |
our0008b |
--"Notes From Mountain Orphanage"
--"Annual Report of Supt. of Home Missions"
--"Orphanage Entertains H.M. Committee"
--"Comparative Statistics of Asheville Presbytery" [Includes number of
churches, number of members, number of ministers, pastor's salary,
contributions to beneficence, and value of church property.]
--"Spring Presbytery"
--"Treasurer's Report for March"
--"The Work at Hazelwood"
--"Directory of Presbytery"[Image of "One of the teacher's with a group
of children at Mountain Orphanage" on 1st page.] |

Vol.II No.12 1927 |
our0009 |
--"White Oak Presbyterian Church ('The Church With the
Covenanter Blue Tower')
--"A Prayer Thought"
--"Notes and Comments"
[Full page insert: "Remember the Orphanage and Maxwell Thanksgiving."]
--"Asheville Presbytery Advances at Andrews"
--"Orphanage Notes"
--""Orphanage Message"
--"Treasurer's Report for September"--" |
Vol.IV No.12
1929 |
our0010 |
--"Presbyterian Group Gathers"
--"The Way [poem]"
--"Died Recently"
--"Maxwell Notes"
--"Notes and Comments"
--"God's Gift [poem]"
--"Builders League of Asheville Presbytery"
--"Mountain Orphanage Notes"
--"Meetings at Swannanoa Very Successful"
--"Mountain Orphanage Broadcasts for a Piano"
"Mountain Orphanage Thanksgiving Day"
--"Treasurer's Report, November 1 -- December 1" |
Vol.V No.8 1930 |
our0011 |
--"King College Standardization Program"
--"Mountain Orphanage [poem]"
--"To 'The Elks' Asheville N.C."
--"Notes and Comments"
--"A Little Help, Please! At the Mountain Orphanage"
--"Canton, N.C. Presbyterian Minister Weds Greensboro Girl in Virginia"
--"Maxwell Notes"
--"Mountain Orphanage Notes"
--"Tomorrow [poem}
--"Notes From Mills River"
--"Treasurer's Report for August" |
Vol..VI No.4 1931 |
our0012 |
--"Presbyterial Meets in Waynesville"
--"They're Always 'Needin'"
--"Maxwell Notes"
--"Notes and Comments"
--"What and Why"
--"Constructive Criticism"
--"Thanks From Orphanage"
--"Mountain Orphanage Notes"
--"Gruvers Attend Meeting"
--"Treasurer's Report for April, 1931"
--"Orphanage Truck Progress"
--"Meetings at Canton Church" |