George W. McCoy Collection   M1978.01.01
Newspaper clipping on race and integration 1943 - 1955
  Date Source Author Type Topic
1 2/17/1943 Christian Observer Rev. Walter L. Lingle Article Stonewall Jackson's negro Sunday school
2 5/4/1947     Article Dr. Shepard reports ; the welfare and projects of his race in North Carolina
3 10/3/1955 Morganton News-Herald ; Newark Telegram Davis Lee Editorial Another attitude on immigration ; opposition to the abolition of segregation
4 7/15/1951 Asheville Citizen Hodding Carter Article Warren and state's rights ; Governor Warren of Florida ignores summons from Senate committee ; violation of principal of dual sovereignty
5 2/11/1952 Asheville Times   Article Grand jury begins crime investigation ; 23 WNC citizens are chosen, Love is foreman ; includes photograph
6       Article Part of an article regarding a statement from Governor Collins
7       Comment Commentary on Governor Collins' statement
8 9/27/1950 Asheville Citizen   Article New Mexico police officers convicted of torturing WNC negro to force confession
9   Greenville News   Article Florida's governor pleads for sanity [on the race issue]
10 12/3/1949 Southern Newspaper Publisher's Association ; Bulletin no.1498   Article North's treatment of South still of step-sister variety
11 8/3/1955 Asheville Citizen   Article Segregation will continue here this Fall ; 14-member body named to advise Asheville Board
12 1955 Asheville Times Rev. James P. Dees Article Minister says racial mixing is all wrong ; condensed version of an address by Rev. Dees
13 5/2/1954 Asheville Citizen-Times David G. Monroe Article ; editorial History of segregation cases is reviewed ; editorial on "those segregation cases"


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