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Beginning at a stone by the side of the Road near a branch Joseph Taylor's corner there with the Road, S. 15 W. 6 poles to a stand Said S. J. Justice corner thence with his line, S 32° W 45 poles to a stake in W.G.B. Morris's line thence with his line passing his corner, S 57° E 25 1/2 poles to a stone at the corner of a fence thence with said fence N 51° E 16 poles to a stone near Joseph Taylor's Corner thence with his line N 5° W 45 poles to the beginning.

Containing six and three fourth acres more or less to have and to hold the whole described lands tenements habitations rights and privileges thereunto belonging or in any manner appertaining unto the said S. J. Justice his heirs and assigns and the Senior B.K. King and wife Elizabeth King [covenants?] that they are [seized?] of said lands in fee [linefee?] and have right to convey the same and will warrant and defend the title to the same against the [lelarmes?] of all persons whatever unto the law. S.J. Justice his heirs and assigns

In testimony whereof the said B.K. King and wife Elizabeth King has hereunto let their names and seals day and year above written.


WGB Morris [Signed] B.R. King [Signed & seal]

Elizabeth King [Signed by "x" & seal]