
Title Link
0005 Patent 1040, April 27, 1795, 2,390 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe November 23, 1796. Page 1: image
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0007 Patent 1029, June 17, 179_, 12,021 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe, November 26, 1796 Page 1: image
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0009 Patent 1035, January 28, 1795, 1,920 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe, November 26, 1796. Page 1: image and transcript
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0010 Patent 1010, May 13, 1796, 3,840 acres. Page 1: image
0011 Patent 1009, May 30, 1796. 2,500 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe June 13, 1796. Page 1: image
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0012 Patent 1024, 29,800 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe November 26, 1796. Page 1: image
0013 Patent 1011, June 13, 1796, 2,500 acres. Page 1: image
0014 Patent 1054, May 18, 179?. 250 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe November 26, 1796. Page 1: image
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0015 Patent 1039, November 26, 1796, 5,120 acres. Page 1: image
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0016 Patent 1018, 38,400 acres. Page 1: image
0017 Patent 1003, July _, 1796, 2,560 acres. Page 1: image
0031 Patent 1312, February 27, 1796. Granted to William Polk, 325 acres in Mecklenburg County. Page 1: image
0036 Patent 1032, February 17, 1795. 1,330 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe November 26, 1795 Page 1: image
0037 Patent 1021, 9,388 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe November 26, 1796. Page 1: image
0038 Patent 1034, 1,280 acres. Assigned/sold to Tench Coxe November 26, 179_. Page 1: image
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0041 Patent 250, __, 26, 1796, 36,494 acres in what was then Buncombe County. Tench Coxe assignee. Page 1: image
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0041.3 Patent 1013, June 13, 1796, 16,640 acres. Page 1
0067 Patent 1001, June 13, 1796, 6,400 acres. Page 1: image
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0078 Patent 1023, November 22, 1795, 14,720 acres. Assigned to Tench Coxe. Page 1
0082 Patent 1030, November 26, 1796, 1,920 acres. Assigned to Tench Coxe. Page 1: image
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0148 Patent number missing, June 13, 1796, 200 acres. Page 1