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as palpable a case as would without[?] of the necessity[?] of a higher tribunal to protect the rights of persons residing out of the state against the decisions[?] of State Courts acting under policy & principally directed against     [?] residents and from them I should expect more agents able decisions[?]
12. Have won[?] the U.S. Courts divided under similar acts of limitation that persons residing our of the state were excepted from the operation[?] of such limitations under the exception of persons beyond     [?]
13.  [Illegible question]
14. Have they even [decided?] under similar limitations that the overpart[?] was only protected as far as his actual possession[?] or enclosure[?]
15. Have they ever decided that a purchase made with knowledge of the older title was void and should not it the[?] his possession with color of title? -
16. And finally upon what ground to what extent and in what courts are these parties[?] entitled to [receive?] - if at all - for the affect[?] of quality of the land, of quality by [interference?], of title to lands included & not executed against Junior grants in possession over 7 [?] with [notion?] or against junior grants extended into these lines possession over 7 years without any possession within their lines?
October 31, 1829 --                     [signed] 
Joshua Forman