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Hendersonville, N.C., Apr. 8th 1907.

Mr.. C.B. Justice,
          Rutherfordton, N.C.

Dear Sir:
          As requested by you, and your counsel, B.A. Justice, we have made out brief in the case of Thompson vs. Searcy, which we think covers the ground, and we enclose copy of same to you.  We have also mailed copy to Butler.  This brief should be printed as soon as Butler has completed it by the addition of such arguments and citations as he may wish to make.  It is our habit to send our briefs to the Clerk of Supreme Court in order that it may be printed and filed in compliance with the rules of the Supreme Court.  This discussion will be called in the Supreme Court the week after Polk Superior Court, which is the week just before Henderson's Superior Court, and the only week which I can have at home after two weeks' absence at Brevard, followed by two weeks' absence at Polk.  This will bring me up to an accumulation of engagements after four weeks' absence that will make it almost, if not absolutely impossible for me to go to Raleigh.  I, therefore, suggest that you should not rely upon me to appear in this case before the Supreme Court.

Your friend,
            W.A. Smith