My dear Sir:
In your estimate
of June 30 13 1906 as to the possible results of the
sales of the North Carolina lands you gave me the following figures
You have to day given me a most carefully prepared statement on to the
lands in patent 1024 [and?] patent 250 which were the lands that in your
estimate of June 13, 1906 you thought could be sold at $4 and $5 an acre
respectively, which statements is as follows
You have for some years told us that you could not any longer make
[unclear?] the [assigned?] and [considerations?] any [substantial?]
sales of lands with the minerals rights reserved and you tell me today
that in any cases even of [mark?] poles the remaining of mineral right
would interfere with your selling.
You express with much confidence the belief that within from one to two
[Page 2]
and then probably within another year
You can sell all of the said 32,000 acres at the above prices with
however this [exception?] namely, that of the 6159 acres as from [Claller's?]
land, you might have to sell 500 acres at the price possibly as low as
$3.50 per acre, then of the 8906 acres $5- land you might possibly
have to sell 500 acres at the price possibly as low as $4.50 per acre
and that of the 17,000 acres of #3 land you might have to sell 1500
acres at the price possibly as low as $2.50 per acre, all by reason of
the said lands being for various causes less desirable than the other
You also stated that you might be able to get and would endeavor to get
where such [expectations?] are made larger prices than the above lowest
prices of $4.50 per acre, $3.50 per acre & $2.50 per acre
respectively. In view of the above I hereby authorize you to sell
in any amounts the above 6159 8906 acres at $5 an acre excepting
500 acres which if necessary you are authorized to sell as low as $450
per acre
[Page 3]
and the above 6159 acres at $4 per acre excepting 500
acres which if necessary you are authorized to sell as low as $3.50 per
acre and the above 17,000 acres at $3- per acre excepting 500 acres
which if necessary you are authorized to sell as low as $2.50 per acre.
You are also authorized to make sales to anyone or more persons to any
amount or amounts and exceeding 2000 acres to one person. You are
also authorized to make sales of any or all lands including in said
sales the mineral rights. You are not authorized to make sales of
any lands whatever that are connected with as may be required for the
water powers on Green River. Polk County and you are not
authorized to make any [sales?] of the Green River water power
Yours Truly
We hereby approve of the above letter