Item Number:
Survey notes of three individual
tracts on Patent 1031.
Date of Item:
n. d.
Box 5
Boundaries of 200 acres
of land now owned by A Sputor[?] lying within patent No 1031
Beginning at a RO on the South side of the Creek then West 80 poles
to a R.O then S 70 W 80 poles to a stake then S 32 West 114 poles to
a chestnut then south 49 poles X creek to a stake then East 215
poles to a stake and then to the Beginning-Bounds of expected patent
in 1831
Boundaries of a deed of 33 acres of land conveyed by Joshua to
Robert Miller begins at a pine near York & Miller's corner then
South 60 poles to a SO S 65 W 42 poles to a Black Jack[?] then 2
poles north[?] to a stake then N 37 W 97 poles to his old line then
with said line to the beginning- Is[?] acres a patent 1831-
Boundaries of Forbes land on Patent No 1031
Begin at a Gum one of the corner of said patent and ins..[?] then N
45 East along the corner of said patent 2.70 to a chestnut then East
40.50 to a pine on the line of said patent then South along the line
of lands owned by George Wlkey 12 chains to a PO then East 6.00 to a
pine on the line of said patent then S 20 W 5.70 along the line of
said patent to a red oak the corner of the same[?] three[?] S 69 W
25.80 to a Stake his own corner by the side of a Bank of Cab creek
at a bridge on the same three S2 W along the line of his own land
16.6 poles[?] to a large RO the Beginning corner of a 200 an tract
lying within said patent then West along the line of said part 22
chains to a RO his own corner then N 13 W 8.50 to the beginning
containing 67 acres.