with the appurtenances aforesaid, to the said John Doe and his
assigns, from the first day of January A.D. 1828 to
the end and for the term of ten years then next ensuing, and fully to be
completed and ended: by virtue of which said demise of the said Peter
S Duponseau the said John Doe entered into the said tenements, with
the appurtenances, and was thereof legally possessed: When the said Richard
Roe, afterwards, to wit, on the 2nd day of January A.D.
1828 with force and arms, entered into the said tenements, with the appurtenances,
which the said Peter S Duponseau aforesaid, had demised to the
said John Doe, in form, and for the term aforesaid, which term is not
yet expired, and Ejected him the said John Doe from his said farm, and
other wrongs to him then and there did, to his great damage, and against
the peace and dignity of the State: wherefore the said John Doe
saith he is injured by the said Richard Roe to the amount of one hundred
dollars, for which he sues, & c. 2nd count on the demise of Goold
Hoyt & James B Murray Arthur Bronson & the heirs of James
Thompson count on the demise of James Stevens
Mr. Samuel M Wells
I am informed
you are in possession of, or claim title to, some part of the premises
mentioned in this declaration of Ejectment; and I being sued as casual
ejector only, having no claim or title to the same, do advise you to
appear at the next Superior Court of Law and Equity to be held for the
county of Rutherford at the Court-House in Rutherford on
the 3rd Monday after the 4th Monday of March 1828 and by some
Attorney of said Court, and by a rule of said Court then and there to be
made, to cause yourself to be made defendant in my stead, otherwise I
shall suffer judgment to be entered against me by default, and you will
be turned out of possession.