Item Number:
Warrant No. 1309, survey notes for Aaron Camp, 200 acres on the Big
Branch of the Main Broad River. Signed F. Alexander. Back: Survey
with a corner torn off, name and acreage cannot be read.
Date of Item:
Box 5
No 1309 June 19th 1798
Surveyd for Aaron Camp 200 acres of land lying on the Big Branch on
the So. side of Main Broad river Beginning on a Red oak on or near
Thomas Camps old line & on Allisons line running Thence with
Pattersons line So 88 Et. 160 poles crossing a [Beamth?] to a Pine
Patersons corner then with another square of Sd. line N 2 Et. 52
poles to a Red oak on [Josh?] Blackwell's line thence with
Blackwells line So 76 Et. 62 poles to a crossing the creek to a red
oak thence No. 38 Et. 26 poles to a R oak thence No 60 Et. 60 poles
to a Red oak thence So 20 Et. 60 poles to a pine thence So. 80 poles
to a Red oak thence & P.O thence in the same course 36 poles further
to a pine then Wt. 310 poles to a stake in or near Thomas Camps
[name?] with Sd corner No 90 poles to the Beginning
Berryman Hex
Edward Lee [Chain Bearers]
F Alexander