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State of North Carolina Rutherford county-                       Deposit in Trust

In Equity P.A. Jay   P. [N.?] Raadcliffe.

no 245 Executors of James Thornson deceased  

Goold Hoyt Arthur Bronson James B. Murray.

These may certify, That the New York Life Insurance and Trust Company have received of Joshua Forman Esq. the term of Thirteen hundred & seventy 28/100 dollars in Trust:  that the said company will retain the same and allow Interest thereon at the annual rate of four percent for the term of five months from the date of this certificate: and at the Expiration of that period, will repay the same with the Interest accrued thereon to Such person or persons as may be Entitled to receive the same in virtue of a final decree in the above entitled [deed?] or in virtue of an award rendered by any referees or arbitrary to whom the matter involved in said truth, may by the Joint-consent of the parties thereto be refereed, or to such person or persons @ may be Empowered to receive the same by any routing under the hand of all the parties to said {deed?]- duplicate given for the above deposit.

Wm Baird Pres  [Signed]

E.A. Nicole Secretary [Signed]

Extract from the regulations of the company, subject to which the above certificate is given.

All monies deposited in Trust for a shorter term than one year shall be deposited for a certain number of months, not less in any case than two months form the deposit.  In all cases where the money is deposited shall not be withdrawn at the expiration of the term of deposit, they shall remain with the Company and the period of not less than thirty days and be allowed the same interest as if originally deposited for the Extended period.  [Whose?] monies to deposited for a period less than a year shall have remained in deposit for sixty-days, the same may be withdrawn as any time thereafter, and before the period for which the deposit was originally made, put in such cases in Interest-will be paid on such deposit-