Item Number:
Warrant No. 1446, survey for Lander Carruth, 150 acres. Back:
Warrant No. 1549, survey for Jacob Thuyhindale, 50 acres on Henson's
Creek. Both signed F. Alexander.
Date of Item:
Box 5
By Virtue of a Warrant No 1549 entered the 16th of Augt 1817 Surveyd
for Jacob Thuyhindale 50 acres of Land situate on the Waters of
Hinson's Creek Waters of MB River[Main Broad River] Beginning at a
pine his old corner thence South his old line So. 2 E '94 poles to a
pine on the Speck line thence with D line So 60 E '80 poles to a
pine thence No 108 poles to a pine same course 28 poles to a stake
thence W '72 poles to the Beginning the 24 [Month unclear] 1818
Josiah Strickland
Talton Smith [Chain Bearers]
C Bear
Frs Alexander