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color of title and in others by re=entry of patents and that among the latter description some of the sons of Col. Erwin have gone on to the lands in Rutherford and the father of Mr Graham the lawyer in Mecklenburg.  Should this be the case you will see that the necessary legal measures are immediately taken to dispossess them, or at all events to prevent their holding by length of possession, which we understand is seven years in North Carolina-but at some time you may inform them we shall be ready to make bargains for the sale of the lands to them on fair and liberal terms-.  In short it is our desire that people in that part of the Country, should know that while we wish to obtain peaceable possession of what we are legally and justly entitled to, we mean at the same time to make great exertions to build up the general prosperity of the counties in which the lands lie-.

(signed) James Thomson
(") Goold Hoyt
(") James B Murray
(") Arthur Bronson

Extract form letter to

Joseph Carson Esqr                                                                              dated March 11, 1825

Mr Hyatt will explain to you our views and will retain you in our service, and he will assure you that we with to obtain in the most peaceable manner, possession of our rights, and after having effected this object to do all in our power for the general advantage of your country.


James Thomson
Gould Hoyt
Jas B Murray
Arth Bronson