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is amply sufficient. Please examine the enclosed Power of Atto. and see if I am not correct Under this authority the in insisting that under it I have the right as agents have to verify all complaints and answers as has been the custom by all the agents since 1832. If the Court should hold against us in the matter it would be better to (this right has never been questioned) take this point to the Supreme Court and let it pass in the question which I suppose could be done without jeopardizing the final issue in the case. If the Supreme Court should decide that I had the right to verify the papers, or if it should decide that I did not have that right to verify them would not the case in either event be sent back to the Supreme Court for trial and if the was necessary for Higher Court should hold that I didn't have the right to verify the answer then let a trustee to verify let him do so in do it in allowance of the trial.
I don't know that you have recognized the auffidettees [affidavits?] confirming me in the course you suggest. I have perhaps a Dozen little suits in such of which the same point will be suggested raised in the event it is preceded[?] in this case. There is a lot of lawyers and littigants [sic] that are looking for little tecknecullites [technicalities] with which to convey one and thereby get some kind of a compromise