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[Cover] Souvenir of the Bon Marche, Founded by Aristide
Boucicaut, Paris. |
papers |
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[Decorative end-papers] |
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[Back of endpaper with note: "M. Morris, Paris 1896" |
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Title page: Souvenir of The Bon Marche, Paris |
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In 1863 Aristide
Boucicaut became sole proprietor of
Marche, where he had entered 10 years previous as
at this time the House was of
small importance, employing- only a limited number of assistants.
A succession of changes in the general
arrangement of the premises,
amelioration in the condition of the employees, and the constant
practice of most scrupulous loyalty in business transactions,
attracted and secured custom, showing, even in the short
space of 10
years, most important results.
In 1869 the first
stone was laid of the actual building; since that time
a succession of aggrandisements, necessitated by the continual
growth of
the business, have transformed the Bon Marche"' and
rendered it
the most Unique Establishment in the World.
Aristide Boucicaut was
certainly a commercial man of the highest
intelligence, but beyond his admirable
commercial aptitudes, what contributed so largely to the success and to
the immense increase of his business was his spirit of enterprise, the
rectitude of his character, and
his great benevolence.
irrefutable proof of his honest dealing,
he took the initiative of the measure, whereby, any purchase not giving
entire satisfaction might be exchanged or its value refunded. |
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— 3 —
Aristide Boucicaut not only founded a powerful
Business House, he founded at the same time a great humane work, a social
institution. He did not merely content himself with the realization
of profit, he applied himself, above all, to merit the confidence
of the public by universally acknowledged integrity, and by a perseverance
and enterprise which in no way excluded all profitable
The system of selling everything at a small
profit and of a perfectly reliable quality,
such was, in its simplicity, the rule traced
out by Aristide Boucicaut and from which the Bon Marche has
never deviated.
He was supported by a superior staff of
employees, chosen with care, governed paternally, and organized according
to a just rule
which accords advancement for
service rendered and permits each one to aspire to the most
important situations. An interest on
all individual sales assures a fair division of salary.
The Provident Fund
founded by Aristide Boucicaut, the Retiring
Pension Fund founded by Madame Boucicaut and the Relief
and Pension Fund, allow all employees
to await with confidence the days of old age.
The constitution of the
House, established by Madame Boucicaut
in 1880, has allowed a great number of the employees to become
purchasers of shares in the
The moral and intellectual condition of the
employees has not been neglected : Free Evening Classes, comprising the
study of the English Language, Vocal
and Instrumental Music and Fencing, have been instituted for their
benefit. Every year the most assiduous amongst the pupils following the
English Classes are sent to London at the expense of the House for a
period of six months to perfect themselves in the use of the English
The two regretted
founders have accomplished their task and left
behind them the
lasting souvenir of unprecedented generosity.
It should be added that those who have replaced
Monsieur and Madame Boucicaut have at heart to maintain in all their
integrity the principles which have assured the success of the Bon
Marche. They carefully preserve the traditions handed down to them
from Monsieur and Madame Boucicaut.
And it is with this intention that
they founded in 1892 a relief and
pension fund for the benefit of the Workpeople engaged in the
Bon Marche workrooms. This fund is supported by an annual deduction
made from the profits of the
business without retaining anything from their salaries. |
bonm004 |
-- 4 --
The Bon Marche obtained at the International
Exhibition 1889 : two Grand Prizes,
three Gold Medals, three Silver Medals and one
Bronze Medal.
The large assortment, the excellent quality of
the goods, the courtesy of the employees and the splendid arrangement of
its galleries render the Bon Marche unique as a Dry Goods
Establishment and the favourite Store of Americans and English residing
in Paris or visiting the European Continent.
The never varying principle of the
Bon Marche is to sell everything at a
small profit, and of a thoroughly reliable
This principle,
loyally observed, has obtained for them an
uninterrupted and
unprecedented success.
All goods are marked
in plain figures and at fixed prices. The Bon Marche exchanges or refunds
the value of any purchase which may have
ceased to please or which does not give entire
satisfaction, if not out of fashion
or damaged in any particular.
Interpreters for all languages are at the
disposal of all foreign customers
who are either desirous of making purchases or visiting the
premises and their dependencies.
Persons desirous of visiting the Establishment and its dependencies
are requested to assemble in the Reading-room at
3,3op. m. A Superintendent
Interpreter is specially designated to accompany the visitors through the
different departments.
The Picture and
Sculpture Gallery was instituted by Aristide
Boucicaut for the
purpose of enabling artists to expose their
works gratis and of
allowing them to enter into relations with the
numerous customers of
the Bon Marche.
Copies are not accepted, none but original
works can be admitted.
The Bon Marche submit all offers made by
the Customers to
the Artist and demand
neither hanging fee or payment of any kind.
Ladies are requested to make known to
the Heads of the Departments or to the Superintendents any inexactitude
of which they
may have reason to complain.
The Bon Marche make shipments to all
parts of the globe and correspond in
all languages.
Any purchase attaining the value of 25 francs
is sent, carriage paid,
with the exception of furniture
and other cumbrous articles,
to any part of France, Great Britain, Ireland,
Germany, Luxemburg, Austria, Belgium,
Holland, Switzerland and
Continental Italy, and payable on delivery if desired. |
bonm005 |
In the Reading-Room (Salon de Lecture) on the first floor, the French and
leading Foreign newspapers as also writing materials are at the disposal
of all visitors. |
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of the BON
for the benefit of their employees.
A Provident Fund was instituted in 1876 by
Aristide Boucicaut and his Son, which in souvenir of its founders is now
called the Boucicaut Provident Fund. This Fund is supported by means of a
sum deducted annually from the profits of the Business. Its capital,
the ist August 1895 was 2.286.215 francs.
All employees having 5 years' presence in the
House become participators in its benefits. Each participant has an
individual account opened in his or her name and is provided with a Book
indicating exactly the amount lying
to the credit of each one. This account is further increased by an
annual interest of 4 o/o on the
individual capital.
The right of obtaining
the capital is acquired :
1stly. By all lady-assistants having 15 years'
presence in the Establishment or
having attained 45 years of age.
By all men-employees having 20 years' presence or having
attained 50 years of
Any lady-assistant contracting marriage, even
should she leave the Establishment,
is entitled to the full amount lying to her credit, regardless of the time
of her presence.
In case of decease, irrespective of age or time
of service, the participant's account is remitted to the husband or wife,
to their children or antecedents or invested in their interest by the
In 1876
62.020 fr.
In i883
In 890
1.455.483 fr.
In 1877
20 . o83
In 1884
763. 83 r
In 891
In 1878
In i885
885. 948
In 892
In 1879
In 1886
1.009. i3o
In 893
In 1880
In 1887
In 894
2. I42.g32.65
In 1881
In 1888
In 895
In 1882
In 1889
Besides the
above Capital, the amount paid out to the various participants, since the
establishment of the Boucicaut Provident
has attained the sum of 947.847
Madame Boucicaut, in view of completing the
work of her late husband and wishing to provide for those who contribute
to the success of the Bon Marche,
instituted, the 4th August 1886, a Retiring Pension
Fund. Desirous that this fund should in no way be supported by any
portion retained from the assistants' salaries, Madame Boucicaut
endowed it with a sum of five million francs from her personal fortune.
The capital to day
amounts to 6.276.256 francs; 130 old assistants
have now actually retired and are receiving
pensions, amounting to 108.000
francs per annum. |
bonm007 |
All employees are
entitled to this Pension after 20 years presence
in the Establishment; it is paid to
men-employees on attaining the age
of 50 and to lady-employees on attaining the age of 45.
It is a life pension
and varies from 600 to 1,500 fr. per annum.
The amount of each pension is fixed by the
Committee of the Fund, at the time the employee ceases his duties.
Pensions or relief can exceptionally be granted
by the Committee : to employees in active service who are unable to
continue their duties or to their widows or orphans (under age).
Employees called for Military Service do not
lose their right to the pension, their time of presence previous to being
called is always held to their credit. __
The Directors and Shareholders of the Bon
Marche, desirous of bettering the condition of the workpeople, have
founded a Relief and Pension Fund.
The capital of this fund, the 1st August 1895,
amounted to frs. 264.795.
It originates from donations made by the
shareholders. This Fund continues without retaining anything from
its participants and is also supported by an annual deduction from the
profits of the business.
It is intended to help the workmen and
workwomen by tendering them temporary relief, renewable assistance and
retiring pensions.
The Academy of Moral and Political Sciences,
at the meeting held the
December 1889, awarded to the BON MARCHE, for its Provident
Institutions, A GOLD MEDAL (the AUDEOUD
A Doctor is engaged by the House. Free consultations are
given every morning at 9 o'clock.
Women in confinement have the right to an
allowance of 100 francs for the
lady-assistants and 60 francs for the workwomen.
All employees should also belong to a Mutual
Help Fund.
Employees who leave
the House to do military service are on its
reinstated in their situation. They should, however,
give notice of their return some time in
advance and present an
irreproachable military certificate.
The period of service previous to departure is
held to their account for the participation in the rights to the Provident
and Pension Funds.
Employees summoned for
their 28or 13 days' military service have
a right to an indemnity of 2 francs per day,
also i franc per day for each of their children.
Employees interested in
the amount of business done, Authorities
Sub-authorities of
Departments and Superintendents receive their
whole interest and have a right to the half of
their fixed salary.
bonm008 |
— 8 —
The Bank of France
issues notes ot5o, roo, 5oo, 1,000 and 5,ooo fr.
Gold pieces are of the
value of 5, 10, 20, 40, 5o and 100 francs.
Silver pieces are of
the value of 20 c., 5o c., i fr., 2 fr., and 5 francs.
Bronze pieces are of the value of i, 2, 5 and
10 centimes.
Minor values are often quoted in sous
instead of centimes ; the price of an article for instance is said to be
of i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 20, 40 or
even too sous, instead
of 5, :o, i5, 20, 25, 3o, 5o
centimes, i fr., 2 fr., and 5
fr., respectively.
Measures. —
The unit employed for all pleasures is
the metre which is subdivided
centimetres and millimetres;
the metre is equivalent to 1 yard 3 1/3 inches.
[Table] |
bonm009 |
[Image] "Silk Departments" in the Bon Marche. |
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— 10 —
One of the largest cab-stands in Paris is
situated quite close to the Bon Marche. On hiring a cab, ask the driver
for his number (numero). This
ticket will serve in case of complaint or enquiry.
The charge in case of a cab for 2 or 4 persons
returning empty from beyond the fortifications is 1 franc, and of a cab
for 6 persons, 2 francs.
Luggage. —
One parcel, 25 c.; two parcels, So c.; three or
more, 78 c.
No charge for small
parcels taken inside the cab.
It is customary to give a small gratuity or
pourboire of a few sous to the driver.
When hiring by time
the first hour must be paid in totality, after
which the time may be
calculated by fraction.
It is advisable when
taking a cab by the hour to remark the time
to the driver.
Should there be any cause for complaint, apply
to the guardian stationed at every
cab-stand or to a policeman.
Any article forgotten in a cab should be
claimed at the Prefecture of
Police (Bureau des objets
trouves), 2, quai du Marche-Neuf,
from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
N. B. —
The Establishment of
the Bon Marche is known to
every cabman in Paris, it suffices to
tell them: Au Bon Marche.
bonm011 |
— II
Places marked* are on the left bank of
the Seine. |
bonm012 |
MARCHE (PARIS) Magasins de Nouveautes offering in all its branches the
richest, most elegant and most complete choice ot all
The Establishment of the Bon Marche, specially constructed for a
Dry Goods Business, is the largest (about 12,000 square yards,
independent of its accessory premises), the best organized and the
best fitted up in the World; it contains all that experience can suggest
for convenience and commodity and is for this reason one of the most
remarkable sights in Paris. |
bonm014 |
— I4
The Streets, Passages
and Arcades of secondary importance which have been omitted on the plan,
figure nevertheless in the vocabulary and are marked with an asterisk.
Their situation is indicated by means of the ribbon.
[Table of locations]
bonm015 |
[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
bonm016 |
[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
bonm020 |
[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
bonm022 |
[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
bonm033 |
[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
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[Table] Paris, its Streets, Squares, etc. |
bonm036 |
The streets, squares ("Places"), quais, etc.,
mentioned in the vocabulary from page 14 to page 36 inclusive, are
followed by two numbers corresponding :
1stly. To the number marked in the margin of
the map.
2ndly. To
the number marked on the ribbon.
To find instantly any street, you have only to
stretch the ribbon so as to
cover the
number in the margin. The
street sought for will be found UNDER THE NUMBER ON THE RIBBON.
Example:THE BON MARCHE WAREHOUSE, margin 75,
ribbon 20. THE BOUCICAUT HOSPITAL, margin 100, ribbon 18.33i95.
— Imprimerie lahure, 9, rue
de Fleurus, a Paris.
bonm037 |
Detail of map section" "Plan de Paris de Magasins du Bon
Marche Maison du Aristide Boucicaut, Paris" containing a measuring tape
for locating streets and businesses in Paris. Top left. |
bonm038 |
Detail of map section" "Plan de Paris de Magasins du Bon
Marche Maison du Aristide Boucicaut, Paris" containing a measuring tape
for locating streets and businesses in Paris. |
bonm039 |
Detail of map section "Plan de Paris de Magasins du Bon
Marche Maison du Aristide Boucicaut, Paris" containing a measuring tape
for locating streets and businesses in Paris. |
bonm040 |
[Back of map: M. M. Morris Paris 1896] |