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[Cover] "Grove Park Inn, Finest Resort in the
World, Sunset Mountain, Asheville, N.C. Absolutely Fireproof. Open all the
Year. The Altitude Makes it Cool in Summer." [Note at bottom of cover]:
"We do not entertain conventions. We have found that they disturb the
homelike atmosphere of the Inn and interfere with the comfort of guests." |
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Asheville in Summer
There is probably no place in the world where the climate is finer in
the summer and fall than in Asheville.
It is seldom one can sleep without a blanket, and there are no
We show herewith the summer temperature as given by the United States
Weather Bureau. Please note that we give the temperature at the warmest
hour of the day, 3 p.m.
Typical Mean Temperature for One Year
Month |
Maxi-mum |
Minimum |
Monthly |
Rain |
of Hours Sunshine |
January . |
44.8 |
29.2 |
37.0 |
3.41 |
136 7 |
February March .... |
45.2 |
28.5 |
36.8 |
2.00 |
200.9 |
April ..... |
68.8 |
44.1 |
56.4 |
1 09 |
268 0 |
May ...... |
73.9 |
53.8 |
63.8 |
4.53 |
279 9 |
June |
77.1 |
58.0 |
67.6 |
4.74 |
269 8 |
July . |
82.6 |
61.5 |
72.0 |
2.78 |
287 8 |
... |
79.5 |
61.3 |
70.4 |
4.26 |
227 2 |
October .. November December |
78.0 68.5
59.0 46.5 |
56.9 48.2
38.0 28.8 |
67.4 58.4
48.5 37.6 |
4.09 3.33
2.20 5.01 |
243.0 191.5
203.6 162.6 |
Year . |
64.4 |
45.0 |
54.7 |
40.22 |
2647.9 |
Average temperature for Asheville for the three summer months for the
past six years, United States Weather Bureau .-
1914-June 73.1
July 72.3
August 72.2
1915-June 67.6
July 72
August 70
1916- June 67.8
July 72.2
August 72.6
1917-June 67.5
July 72.0
August 70.3
1918-June 69.6
July 68.9
August 72.8
1919-June 70.3
July 73.2
August 71.1
Never a Mosquito. Special Summer and Fall Rates.
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Grove Park Inn is the Finest Resort Hotel in the World.
It is operated the year round. It is absolutely fireproof — built of
the great boulders of Sunset Mountain, at the foot of which it sits.
It was built by hand in the old-fashioned way—full of rest, comfort and
wholesomeness. The front lawn is the hundred and twenty acre eighteen-hole
golf links of the Asheville Country Club, and with it sixty acres of lawn
and a thousand acres of • woods and mountain belonging to the hotel.
From the porches of the Inn one looks across the golf links upon an
inspiring vista of mountain scenery—lofty peaks fading away in the
distance—the most entrancing region and the most delightful climate to be
found in America.
Water :—All the water used at Grove Park Inn is piped seventeen miles
from the slopes of Mount Mitchell, nearly 7000 feet altitude, and without
question is unexcelled for its purity.
One of the two great fireplaces in the Lobby. |
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The watershed from which it comes is the
highest mountain east of the Rockies.
Food:—The kitchen of Grove Park Inn is not excelled in the finest
hotels in this country or Europe. Its walls are of white glazed tile—the
floors white ceramic tile. All dishes are boiled after each using, even
the silver and drinking glasses are boiled.
Ice:—All refrigeration is artificial— ice not used.
Plumbing:—The plumbing material is the finest that has ever been placed
in any hotel in the world. The soil pipe was hydraulically tested and then
galvanized. The hot water pipe, 18,000 pounds in weight, is solid brass.
The steam pipes are of flyers' genuine lap-welded wrought iron, tested
hydraulic-ally to 1000 pounds. The bath tubs and fixtures are all solid
porcelain, made to our order by
500 feet of Porches around Inn |
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Haines, Jones, & Cadbury, of Philadelphia, the
oldest plumbing manufacturers in the United States. Even the lighting
fixtures in the bath rooms are porcelain. The toilet seats are celluloid.
No pipes are visible anywhere. No radiators to be seen—all placed in
recesses under windows.
Lighting:—No electric bulbs visible. All lighting indirect. Every
window a casement window (like two doors) opening from top to
bottom—double the ventilation of the regular windows.
Furnishings:—Seven hundred pieces of furniture and over 600 lighting
fixtures of solid copper were made by hand by the Roycrofters, at East
Heating:—The steam heating is a vacuum system, absolutely noiseless,
and as the radiators are hidden under the windows in the sills, there is
no annoyance from this usually objectionable feature of an hotel.
View of the great Lobby, called the "Big Room.' |
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The cleaning is done with Hoover Vacuum
Beds:—Not a double bed in the Inn. Double rooms have two three-quarter
beds and single rooms one. The beds are six feet four inches long and are
the finest and most comfortable money could produce.
The bed linens are of Imported Oxford twill. The pillows are of pure
down. The springs are of the best double "box" type, upholstered with
heavy pads on top, and the mattresses are the Sealy tuftless "De Luxe,"
not excelled if equaled by any mattress on the market today. Spreads,
curtains, pillow mantles, scarfs, etc., are of the finest quality, pure
brown linen. All are hemstitched, and every piece of linen (there are over
12,000 in number) bears a hand-sewed name tape, but no ink markings.
We maintain quiet in the bedrooms and corridors after 10:30 p. m., and
in the morning until 9 o'clock.
One of the curses of the ordinary hotel is the lack of consideration
for guests who need rest or care to retire before midnight. A few people
who prefer to retire late ill thoughtlessly disturb hundreds who |
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desire rest, by loud talking, slamming of
doors, throwing shoes on the floor, and a dozen other annoyances; and then
by 6.30 in the morning the hotel help usually begins its war on sleep by
beginning to clean corridors, slop closets and any place that will produce
noise. At Grove Park Inn it is different. The ceiling of the "Big Room" is
over one foot thick, of solid concrete. The ceilings of the bowling alley
and billiard rooms are the same. All of our amusement rooms were built so
that guests could enjoy themselves until any hour practically without
restraint and without the noise penetrating to the sleeping rooms. On the
other hand, we consider that our bedrooms are for rest after a reasonable
hour, and we have the courage to enforce a discipline that makes rest
possible. Our employees wear rubber heels, and maids are provided
comfortable chairs in their respective corridors, where they report for
service at 8 o'clock, but they sit and read until 9 a. m., merely being
where guests can call them if they need them.
View of one of the Dining Rooms.
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Homespun Shops, home of hand-weaving industry. Text under image reads:
"The Homespun Shops in the grounds at Grove Park Inn. This is by far the
largest hand-weaving industry in the world. It is owned by Mr. Seely, who
built and operates Grove Park Inn. Be sure to visit the Shops when you are
at the Inn. They are very interesting and you will be shown through by a
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Biltmore Forest Country Club on the famous Biltmore
Links and Club House completed 1922 at an outlay of nearly half-million
The last word in Donald Ross' skill.
We have been gratified with the reception the public has given such a
system, and have found that we were right in our belief that persons who
were not in sympathy with so reasonable a system were not desirable
patrons for a place like Grove Park Inn. Every opportunity is afforded at
Grove Park Inn for a good time. Dancing late, bowling, music, and every
reasonable amusement; but we insist also on every opportunity for guests
to rest if they wish to.
Lobby:—The "Big Room," or lobby, of Grove Park Inn is one of the most
wonderful rooms in the world. It is 120 feet long by 80 feet wide, and can
comfortably entertain 1000 people. The two great fireplaces in it burn
eight-foot logs, and each required 120 tons of boulders to build. This
great room is built up of the most unique collection of native boulders,
flint and mica, and at nights is illuminated by indirect lights which are |
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reflected against the ceiling. The lights in
this room alone give over 12,000 candle-power of illumination.
In this room is the world's finest Orchestral Organ. It is the life's
masterpiece of Ernest M. Skinner, of Boston, who is called the Steinway of
organ builders. A fuller description is given on the last page of this
The acoustics of this room are perfect, the great heavy tones of the
organ being no clearer than the faint little waves of the "celeste "
" Backlogs " for the fireplaces are two feet in diameter and it takes
ten men to place one on the andirons. The four great andirons weigh 500
pounds apiece, and an average of twenty-four days' blacksmith work was
done on each of them.
Grove Park Inn is located on the side of Sunset Mountain, about a mile
from the top, and is not only cool enough in the summer to make a blanket
necessary at night, but is protected and mild enough in winter to make
life enjoyable without enervation. |
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The climate of Asheville is wholesome and
invigorating. Thronged in winter by those who wish to escape the extreme
cold of the North without, however, losing entirely the favorable effects
of a bracing atmosphere, it is sought also in summer for its cool,
salubrious climate by visitors from the warmer, humid regions in the South
Atlantic, Middle, Gulf and Eastern States. The altitude forbids humidity
and heat even on the warmest summer days. There are no mosquitoes.
The buildings of the Inn, nearly 500 feet in length, are of solid
granite, the outside of the walls being of massive boulders, some of which
weigh from three to five tons. The men worked under instructions that when
the Inn was finished not a piece of stone should be visible to the eye
except it show the time-eaten face given to it by the thousands of years
of sun and rain that had beaten upon it as it had lain on the mountain
side. These great boulders were laid with the lichens and moss on them
just as they were found.
Five hundred feet of porches, nearly all of which face 180 acres of
golf links and lawn.
In one section of the building there are sixty-four guest rooms, every
one a double room and every one with private bath. Three other sections
are in suites of rooms with baths. All bedrooms connect and all walls
between rooms are double fireproof walls with air spaces between. They are
nearly sound-proof.
The corridors are very wide, in order to give an abundance of room and
ventilation. The walls between the corridors and bedrooms are double tile
partitions, nearly one and one-half feet thick, through which it is
practically impossible to hear noises outside.
Suites of rooms arranged with any degree of elegance the guests may
The court occupying the center of the main building extends to the roof
and is capped with an enormous skylight which admits an ocean of sunlight.
The effect is a most delightful sun-parlor to be enjoyed on cool days, as
well as a sitting-room for evenings.
No hotel in the world has ever been built with the care and |
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of the quality of this Inn. Massive rustic
walls, four and one-half feet thick, of boulders backed with solid granite
and Portland, cement. Concrete floors and roofs. The roofs of the Inn form
an excellent illustration of its massiveness and the care in construction.
First there was poured a roof five inches thick of Portland cement
concrete, reinforced with 90,000 pounds of steel rods. On this was laid
five layers of Trinidad Asphalt interposed between three layers of
asbestos felt. On this fifteen carloads of fireproof tile, held on with
one and one-half tons of coppered steel nails and twenty tons of Tucker's
fireproof roof cement.
Grove Park Inn is an unique structure, built on an entirely different
plan from the average resort hotel. It is designed on plain and solid
lines and is constructed for safety, comfort and utility. The Hotel is
thoroughly sanitary and all attempt at the bizarre, the tawdry and
flashily foolish has been omitted. The furnishings and equipment were
installed with the same idea in view. The idea was to build a big home
where every modern convenience could be had, but with all the
old-fashioned qualities of genuineness with no sham. Things made by
Nature, assisted by artists, carry sentiment. The product of the head,
heart and hand is a thing to be loved and we wish you to think of this Inn
as your resort home and not as a transient hotel.
Persons with any sort of tubercular trouble will not be received at the
Wines and Liquors: — It is unlawful for the management to provide or
sell liquors to guests of this hotel. Mineral and table waters, lemonades
and soft drinks can be ordered and served at the table, in the grill,
bedrooms or anywhere else in the hotel.
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Homespun and Wood-Carving
A very interesting feature in connection with the Inn is the Biltmore
Industries, purchased from Mrs. Ceo. W. Vanderbilt by Mr. Seely, who built
and operates the Inn.
Biltmore Industries had their beginning in the year 1901, in an
industrial school started in Biltmore Village by Mrs. Vanderbilt.
The enterprise so far outgrew its early surroundings that in 1917 Mrs.
Vanderbilt sold it in its entirety to Mr. Seely.
Unique Old English shop buildings have been built on the grounds of the
Inn, and the Industries, with all their workers, moved into them.
The same workers are employed, and the products are being made as they
have been for over twenty years.
Every piece of Biltmore Homespun is hand-woven and guaranteed to
contain absolutely nothing but wool. The colors are guaranteed, and it is
guaranteed not to shrink.
All hand-carved woodwork is guaranteed, and any pieces not perfect will
be replaced or money refunded.
We manufacture about two hundred patterns and colors in homespun, and
over two hundred different articles in hand-carved woodwork.
We are glad to mail samples of homespun on request, and catalog of
wood-carving or even samples of woodwork for inspection if desired.
Two gold and one silver medals have been awarded the Industries.
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From "Golf" Magazine
To describe the beauties of the Asheville course is hopeless. It is
located on a bit of plateau, near the city and somewhat above it. On one
side is the base of Sunset Mountain, and on another the City of Asheville.
And encircling it on every side is range on range of hills. Yon will have
to imagine the surroundings from that—or, better still, come and see it.
It will repay you.
The course itself is well conceived and well executed. Its length is
5,754 yards, but it seems longer. This is because so many of the holes are
on sharply rolling ground. Yet none of them require the mountain-climbing
play that is needful in many a resort in the hills.
Totals —Out distance 2,834 yards, bogey 35. In distance 2,920 yards,
bogey 36.
Students of golf courses will not be long in observing that the
Asheville course was designed for pleasure and not as a critical test of
golf. However, that is quite as it should be. Asheville is a resort.
People play the course for pleasure, and they are not particularly anxious
to work themselves to the limit of strength and endurance. Many of the
distances are excellent. The second, sixth, eighth and seventeenth are
four as fine pitch holes as one would care to see. The third is a
magnificent sweep, down hill and up again, to a picturesque and
excellently located green.
The course is well supplied with hazards, ditches, streams, sunken
roads and the like, along with a moderate admixture of traps and bunkers.
It has no "goat-getters," requires no superhuman drives, bnt furnishes
enough trouble to put a premium on first-class golf. One beauty of the
course is that the first, ninth, sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth
holes are within a short distance of the club house and much of the rest
of the round is in sight of the club verandas.
The turf of the course is excellent and the putting greens surprisingly
good. To those accustomed to the Bermuda grass putting greens of "Dixie"
the Asheville greens are a revelation. Bermuda greens are true but
extremely "slow." The Asheville greens are covered with a grass absolutely
without resistance to the progress of the ball, and in consequence are
"keen" to a degree. They are well kept and always true. It is doubtful if
there is a resort course in the South where the turf is any better. |
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Our New Organ
It is with no little pride that we are able to state we have installed
at Grove Park Inn the masterpiece of the greatest organ builder the world
has ever produced.
Mr. Ernest M. Skinner of Boston, who is called the Steinway of organ
builders, has built for us the masterpiece of his life's work up to the
present time.
In giving Mr. Skinner the contract for this organ, he was directed to
build into it every tone and every device that could legitimately go into
a strictly orchestral concert organ, and we are proud of the fact that the
result has been an instrument which we do not believe is equaled in the
entire world.
There are two stops in this organ which have never been used in any
other organ. There is one stop which has only two duplicates; and this is
the third organ he has built where the piano is played by the organist
from the keyboard. It may be noticed that this organ differs from
so-called pipe organs and church organs in that it is strictly orchestral
in practically all of its qualities.
There are six departments or organs, three in the north end of the
room, two including the solo and orchestral organs in the south end, and
the echo organ in the hallway of the next building to the south. There are
included in this organ the Cathedral Chimes.
It required over sixty miles of wire for the electrical work. It
requires a fifteen horse power motor to blow it and there are in the
neighborhood of seven thousand pipes. It required three freight cars to
bring it from the factory and four months to install it.
Mr. Skinner has built the most superb organs in existence, such organs
as in the College of the City of New York, Cathedral of St. John the
Divine, and others equally famous.
F. L. S.